I spent some time learning and configuring my firewall, then displayed it in form of SVG graph on Glance. I’m pretty happy about the result so I wanted to share it :)
glance is great, and this is an awesome custom addon
That’s one I haven’t tried. I’ve probably tried most of the other dashboard offerings and decided to go with Homarr. I do like the monitoring aspect of Glance, tho I use NetData for that kind of monitoring. But yeah bro, looks great!
Glance is cool I love the style and it is well implemented so you can easily add custom HTML and CSS which is what I did to do this custom monitoring. Data are gathered from iptables counters that periodically reset, the hardest and most interesting part was to understand networking and to track packet through applications based on if they were port binded or reverse proxyed (I use Caddy for web facing app I want access to without a VPN). I’ll definitively check more advanced solution, I just needed to do it manually first to actually understand what I’m doing (which took me like 2 weeks until I finally found this gem on ArchLinux wiki https://www.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial/iptables-tutorial.html)
Do you have persistent IPtables then?counters that periodically reset,
Yes, reading comprehension on my part. Doh!
Yes the full recipe is:
- 1 Flask API for sending custom HTML to Glance
- 1 systemd unit + python script for the right graph (last 60 minutes, resetting counter and collecting data via nftables python module)
- 1 systemd unit + python script for the left graph (last 24h, aggregate data from the last hour collevted by the first script And that’s it, the systemd units are used to schedule python scripts and all the data are stored in flat csv file (forgot one bash script +systemd unit to to flush docker rules at boot and apply custom ones)
What’s your thought of homepage?
I liked Homepage. Very customizable, very well presented package and the UI is nice. I know, if you are running the *arr stack, it does a lot of interfacing with those apps. Not exclusively the *arr stack as it can interface with ProxMox to show how many VMs you’re running and load/CPU etc.
Name is silly. How does one go about finding the homepage for Homepage?
I agree it’s a bad name. Here is the link https://gethomepage.dev/
It’s pretty bad. That said, I search for “gethomepage” and find it every time.
Just been at it myself setting up my config for glance with custom css theme. Would love to compare notes, how did you get those network graphs going?
It is using Glance extension module (you can send custom HTML by setting up a local web api like Flask) The graph are HTML SVG tags which are basic drawing you just have to input the x,y coordinates of your graph (I copied Glance market chart) For networking data collection and monitoring I’ve setup my own rules and scripts but it is doable with others network monitoring tools if they let you access data easily