I tried Win11 about 3 months after the initial release. That was a mistake.
Some of my wares of the seven seas did not run properly (like asassins creed valhalla), and there were performance issues when gaming. So I rolled back to Win 10.
Any fellow sailors out there daily driving 11? Have the big bugs been ironed out yet? Any glaring issues?
The calendar flyout still can’t show your agenda, like in Win10. The ‘widget’ section is still full of unremovable MSM spam. It still installs ad-ware on major updates.
I hate it because of that.
I like TikTok in my startmenu /s
You’re not supposed to post NSFW content, please delete this or I’m reporting you, my dad is THE Bill Gates of Microsoft Corporation and he WILL BAN your Minecraft account for this treacherous behavior. You’ve been warned.