I find it mildly infuriating that some coworkers think entering a break room gives them license to play loud music over speakers, use obscene language (especially to and about other coworkers), and disrupt the fifteen minutes of peace and quiet some of us crave in the workplace.

I also can’t stand the fact that smokers can take unlimited ‘breaks’ whenever they please just to come back stinking up an entire room with their smoke.

  • SomeoneElse@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You’re not sorry and I’m not offended. There’s no need for fake platitudes on the internet.

    Are you neurodivergent by any chance? Aside from smokers getting extra work breaks, the things you’re complaining about are not mildly infuriating, they’re other people’s personal choices that don’t impact your ability to do your job. They’re examples of completely normal experiences that nearly everyone has to deal with - mild annoyances at best. You don’t get to police what people do on their breaks. You don’t get to police what people do to their bodies. You don’t get to police what language people use when talking amongst themselves.

    If you’re so offended by bad language and music, wear some noise cancelling headphones on your break. That will have to added bonus of stopping people from talking to you at all, so you can get that decompression time you need in order to do your job properly. You should definitely start taking your own non-smoking smoke breaks if your boss/HR won’t address the issue of smokers getting additional break time.

    Focus on the things that you can change to make your work environment more palatable because that’s all you can control. And try not to be so judgemental. You may not say it out loud but I’m positive your colleagues can feel your distain for them, and that won’t help foster a mutually respectful environment at all. Good luck.

    • Aer@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      You’re disagreeing, but that shouldn’t invalidate what mildly infuriates people. What mildly infuriates one person, doesn’t mildly infuriate another.

      You’re talking like everyone has the same feelings about things, which isn’t the case at all. I don’t like this habit people are engaging in where because something doesn’t bother you another person isn’t allowed to be bothered by it.

      Having people blast out music on a bus is mildly infuriating to me, so is people talking really loud. The misophonia probably doesn’t help but in my eyes that is mildly infuriating and it is to other people.