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Almost always my movies even though i have tons of music, and always the most obscure shit. I have Disney movies and Breaking Bad, but people go for the auteur french sci-fi animated features.
Soulseek gives me much the same joy of sharing as torrent does, perhaps more so because it’s one-on-one with a username instead of an IP.
It’s very easy to contribute to Soulseek as opposed to torrent, you just mark your shared folders. I think there’s probably more content as a result, at the cost of the inefficiency of multiple people offering the same thing. Which i’m not sure matters.
I don’t know if the rooms are really worth it. You only get the messages starting when you logged in, so you can’t catch up to what happened before; this problem is particularly relevant because most rooms are dead; those that aren’t dead consist of a lot of vicious arguments; and it’s live chat anyway, never my favorite format for discussion.
I prefer Soulseek to eMule just because it works, but i also found it simpler.
Unfortunately my VPN doesn’t play well with Soulseek, apparently it doesn’t support port forwarding? I’m not sure how to fix this. It may in fact have been a problem when torrenting too the whole time and i didn’t notice.
Overall i really enjoy Soulseek and will probably always have it in the background, it’s pretty great!
I love soulseek! I moved to Nicotine+ since it’s based on soulseek but more frequently updated especially for Linux.
I always like going through my uploaded tab to peek at what people are downloading.
It’s usually music, but sometimes I’ll see someone download some random obscure youtube archive from a dead or retired channel and I’ll be glad to have served that for them.
Someone just downloaded the entire discography of A Flock of Seagulls, but not the .mp3 files, just the images. Like the front covers and such.
Maybe they were in need of only the highest-quality release covers that only you seem to possess?
Most people that put the covers in the shares seem to rip from Discogs, so I doubt it lol
That happened to me too! I also had someone download an album, but just the text files - basically, a message from the site I had originally got it from, and a log from a CD ripping program.
i like nfo’s. :)
Oh wow, I remember using Soulseek like 20 years ago. Even back then, it was like the thinking-man’s KaZaa lol. I’m kind of surprised it still exists.
I imagine the people there are getting obscure stuff, because they can probably find Breaking Bad and Disney movies pretty much anywhere. Reminds me a little of What.CD and how amazing that site was for rare and hard to find stuff. RIP.
Love me some soulseek and looking through everything people get from me.
In terms of rooms I don’t converse with anyone in them but I do always sit in the dubstep room purely because 90 percent of what I have is dubstep so I hope that people might see my name in the list and then explore my files allowing them to find some music they are interested in (hopefully)
I wouldn’t even think to look for movies on there unless maybe I couldn’t find what I wanted on any of the torrent sites so maybe that is what is happening, people come there as a last ditch attempt to find what they want?
Yeah, slsk is home to some very esoteric stuff and the people who like it. It’s still one of my go-to sources for music, because usually it’s not hard to find something with good naming and metadata.
auteur french sci-fi animated features
Interested. Can I get some names of those?
This one in particular is Fantastic Planet. I also have Les Maitres de Temps
Thanks, just grabbed them. (Probably not from you but never know!)
Fantastic Planet is so good! I’ll have to check out that other one, I’ve never heard of it
edit: syke I looked it up and didn’t know that was the French name of Time Masters. Still cool people are finding interest in them!
How does Soulseek work? Is it similar to torrenting?
I actually got soulseek working through a VPN properly for the first time a few days ago. First thing I try to download, I find out the user has geo-IP banning, and the dude called me an asshole for trying to find a working server to download from, then permabanning me from his shares. So even if you do get it working through a vpn, be careful.
One guy had geo-IP banning because they believe everyone who is from these coutnries list is an idiot who doesn’t know how to use Soulseek.
You think they told me that? No, they messaged me to tell me everyone from [insert country] was poor and ignorant, refused to explain, acted like it was obvious and i was stupid for not already knowing, judged me for using public torrent trackers; and when i called them arrogant, they said (this is almost a direct quote) “i’m not arrogant, i’m just better than you”.
In their defense, i was sharing the Incomplete folder.
It is better conceived eMule, because it is not dependent of a sole central server and have the hash of the files, permitting to download the same file from diferent clients.
is there a way to use soulseek on android ?
How is Soulseek different to something like DCC+?
Soulseek is officially to be used on obscure shit. because otherwise it would be easy snack for lawyers :D
As someone who listens to a lot of obscure music, I’m amazed at Soulseek’s variety of content. I’ve searched up albums and comps that have all but disappeared off the face of the earth, and have always found an uploader with a complete share.
I don’t know if the rooms are really worth it. You only get the messages starting when you logged in, so you can’t catch up to what happened before; this problem is particularly relevant because most rooms are dead; those that aren’t dead consist of a lot of vicious arguments; and it’s live chat anyway, never my favorite format for discussion.
Yeah, don’t bother with chatrooms. I’m on Nicotine+, and the respective room is always filled with 4chan shit. It’s a shame that everything else is dead, since I’d appreciate the thought of having a conversation while waiting for my files to download.