I really like Audiobookbay for discovering new books, but if I’m searching for something specific it is a bit annoying to navigate with their sometimes broken search and the vague categorization. Seeding is also sometimes sparse, especially with older uploads…
Does anyone know good alternatives? There doesn’t seem to be an audiobook category in the megathread (yet) ;)
https://myanonamouse.net is probably the best there is if you’re okay with a private tracker. Reasonably easy to get into.
+1 for myanonamouse, it has had everything I’ve searched for in the last 6 years
I agree, it’s the best by a mile and well worth doing the very minimal effort to get into. Plus you can then possibly leverage your good standing there to get into other private trackers in the future.
I’ve never tried to get into a private tracker, but if it’s that good I’m definitely down to give it a shot!
It’s definitely the best for books and audiobooks. The interview is easy, they ask you about the rules, just have them up in another window and repeat them back to them verbatim, don’t try and get cute and rephrase them. They are really just checking that you read the rules.
Seeding is easy (3 days) and if you continue to seed you can purchase ratio very easily with the points.
I will say this though, it’s a very WHOLESOME community. And if you participate in community stuff, you will be forced to be WHOLESOME as well. Personally, I usually just keep my head down and torrent and don’t participate in forums / chat much.
Thanks for the info! An “interview” process makes me nervous.
It shouldn’t. Like I said, they basically just want you to regurgitate the rules to them so they can make sure you’ve read them. You can even just have them open on another page. It’s basically an open book test.
If it’s like when I did it, you go into their IRC and get a basic interview. There might be a learning curve for setting up your torrent client, but the short of it is you want to respect their seeding rules else you might get kicked off. Their forums should have a guide for most major torrent clients as well.
i recently got in and it took me a bit to setup the dynamic ip thing to let me download from a vpn but it worked eventually
Ah, I forgot about that. Mine is dynamic as well but as I use Docker the VPN container let me easily add a script that would call their API and update that, IIRC.
yeah i have a docker container with a vpn and deluge and it kept getting errors until i found a fix on github haha
Oh, are they very strict with their seeding? I do try to seed as much as I can, but I only use a single laptop (so no pc or seedbox or anything like that), and it can stay off for weeks if I’m too busy to use it…
Not that strict, basically you have to seed for 3 days (seeding counts after the download finishes) within 30 days of downloading it. You can see your “unsatisfied” torrents on their site. So given your restrictions you should be fine.
Couldn’t agree more. If it isn’t there with plenty of super fast seeds, you probably imagined it.
My Anonamouse is invite only but it’s pretty much the perfect ebook and audiobook torrent site. If you can’t find an English language book there with plenty of super fast seeds, I’m pretty sure that book doesn’t actually exist outside of your imagination…
I can find just about everything ever written on MaM and libgen.
Need an account to get the magnets. Registration is free. You might get redirected to *.is
Expand the details and copy the infohash. http://romanr.info/magnet.html will let you create your own magnet link if you have the infohash. No account creation needed.
That’s what I use but the search is absolutely terrible.
It used to be worse!
We all love to scroll through to page 6 to get our result which is a literal of the search term… Lol
Not a website but a tool: https://openaudible.org/ works really well for Audible audiobooks, and it’s the only tool I found that works for Japanese Audible.
Hey that’s fantastic, thanks. I tried downloading my audible books a while back but couldn’t get it right. It this does what it says, I might finally be able to actually own the things I bought!
Note that you have to pay for an OpenAudible license to be able to use it with more than a few tracks.
If you can get your activation bytes from one of your DRM-protected files using https://audible-converter.ml, you can then just use
(e.g.ffmpeg -activation_bytes XXXXXXXX -i audiobook.aax -c copy audiobook.m4b
) or https://github.com/audiamus/AaxAudioConverter to remove the DRM.Unfortunately this doesn’t work for the Japanese store (and a few others) that seem to use a different DRM scheme with a separate key for each file, so you have to use OpenAudible for these.
I get a lot of my audiobooks (and ebooks) from mobilism.org.
Another, maybe not very sustainable method, is to subscribe to audible. Use your credit to buy your desired audiobook. Then use Libation to download a copy. Return the book. Rinse and repeat until audible gets mad at you for returning so many books.
Tokybook is good for streaming, somewhat limited options but really easy.
Famtasyaudiobook is also an option, extremely similar to tokybook with different options to listen to.
Myanonamouse is quite good, the registration is easy and there is allot of content. Unfortunately a lot of it is 64Kb/s and/or 22.1KHz or lower which imo is distractingly bad while listening, but there is still a good selection of higher quality books. 8/10 would mouse again.
There are a lot of audiobooks available on music streaming sites like Spotify and Deezer. You can download those with Deemix. But that may be limited to certain countries. I am from Germany and here a lot of audiobooks are owned by record companies which publish them on streaming services.
Searching for second-hand CDs on ebay may be worth it, too. I’ve gotten some good deals there as well.
abook.link is a usenet indexer. Rarely/never mentioned but they have a nice community and you can easily make a request. My go-to site if I’m not looking for something semi-popular.
Vk.com has a surprising amount of audiobook pages/groups/communities. There are some chrome plugins that download the books for you too. I’m not particularly tech savvy so vk.com and sites like 101audiobooks.net classicaudiobooks.com etc and overdrive are what I use on mobile. I use audiobookbay on desktop.
Still wanting to dive into IRC for this stuff
Isn’t IRC used predominantly for eBooks?
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