I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t anything any suggestions?
Have you heard of GIMP?
If that isn’t what you need; this site may help you: https://alternativeto.net/software/adobe-photoshop/
Yea I’ve tried it but I struggled with its UI and it just wasn’t what I was looking for
If you struggled with the UI because you’re familiar with Photoshop, you may want to have a look at PhotoGIMP.
Otherwise Photopea.com is a free online photoshop clone.
I could never get photogimp to work. Like literally it would appear to install OK but just nothing would happen, Couldn’t figure it out.
Also holy crap Photopea is actually impressive I did not expect it to be that advanced. Thanks for sharing.
What are you looking for? If you are into painting, Krita might be worth a try.
I use Krita it’s a favorite of mine but I’m looking for photo editing more than anything
Well, for photo editing try Raw Therapee or Darktable!
I use Krita for infrequent no-stakes photo editing (and even pixel art at one point), might not be for everyone but there’s a lot of overlap. Also you can use G’MIC with Krita, so that might help.
I used to use GIMP, but I prefer Krita now.
alternativeto.net Is a good place to look for software alternatives.
I was looking there this morning they’ve given me plenty of software I use but sadly not the photoshop alternate I’ve been looking for
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Photopea. There will barely be a learning curve because it’s designed to be exactly like photoshop.
Have you looked at Krita?
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I use Affinity photo. Great program, and has a very affordable pay once model, no subscription crap.
Photopea – online, but can be used as a PWA. One of the best! Answering here, as well. Saw your other post.
There is Darktable and Digikam too. Little different direction.
Yes but it does have some editing and metadata management features. Personal opinion is everyone should start with a photo manager and then only use another program if you need more. On Linux Shotwell is another photo manager and Digikam is cross platform. I know my wife uses just Shotwell. She has never needed more. I use Digikam because it is a little more powerful and flexible but less elegant. My wife is into photos… me not as much too.
I’m quite fond of Paint.net on Windows, especially with the boltbait plugin pack.
It’s powerful, easy to use and if it cannot do something, there are tons of user developed plugins.
How extensive of editing are we talking? If you just need some of the more basic features, there is Paint.NET which is surprisingly useful for a lot more than you’d think. Definitely not as feature-rich as Photoshop though.
Mostly basic stuff I am not really experienced in photo editing and I’m trying to practice and learn
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If you’re on macOS, there’s https://flyingmeat.com/acorn/ and https://www.pixelmator.com/photomator/
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http://www.photofiltre-studio.com/pf7-en.htm Not open source but free.
Another vote for Photopea