I’ve been hearing “but wait, Blizzard fixed it” for over half my life at this point. Never once was it true.
Eh, kinda true with Diablo 3 though.
D3 was at mess at launch and the first year or so.
It’s in a good place at the moment.
I will, actually, give you that one. I was more thinking WoW and Overwatch but you’re right, D3 was a mess that they made fun eventually.
I’m have also liked hots. And actually I kinda still like it. I don’t need ranked, I just play solo or would like to play with friends. Friends mostly don’t, sadly, because it’s " ded game"
Yeah, it’s called Path of Exile.
They are trying to copy last epoch’s homework
same thoughts. they didn’t copy last epoch untill it released because they didn’t know it would be a success
You don’t implement systems like these in a few days, it’s probably been in the works for months.
they are not already implemented, they are just announced and in the works :)
The system seems already implemented, even if not yet deployed. Anyhow you’re giving last epoch way too much credit here, deterministic crafting is nothing new.
maybe you are right :)
I’m gonna need them to go simpler. Why not just gooder or lesser worst?
Why more word when few word good?
They dug a hole, and they keep on digging.
Right? It’s like they forgot how to balance and think this is what people what.
I’ll never forget the tone deaf “Do you guys not have phones?” because that always reminds me of how out of touch they are with their customer base.
Of course we have phones. Of course a lot of us would love a Diablo game for mobile. Of course at the time everyone was waiting and expecting news of a new main game in the series. Despite probably the higher game sales and larger fanbase of Diablo 3, I still feel like (or at least hope) that the general consensus is that Diablo 1 and 2 are seen as better than 3 (and now 4).
If they had released a remastered 1 and/or 2 for mobile, I would have easily tossed them a few bucks for it or even each. Instead I played Immortal for a couple weeks until I got bored and gave them no money, but that doesn’t fucking matter because 1 dumb mother fucker is all it takes for the company to look at microtransactions as the profitable Holy Grail.
They no longer have to make games for their majority fanbase, only a select few. And if you charge for the game AND microtransactions? Well that’s even better.
Forgot how to balance
Blizzard not knowing how to balance has been a joke basically as long as Blizzard has existed.
Blizzard has been dead for at least a decade. Anyone who is still interacting with the ghoul that is inhabiting Blizzard’s corpse is a fool.
Ghouls inhabit corpses now? 😱
new D4 feature
I forgot this game exists.
cause we have path of exile at home
I’m still playing D3
I’m still playing Diablo II
I just got started playing Diablo I again thanks to the Devilution X port.
Never played any before 3, I’ve heard such great things for so many years I might have to just play 1&2.
I love D3 and i can play it on my switch with my wife. It will never die for us.
This comment warms my cold, dead soul.
Thank you, Last Epoch!
I’ve been craving a new game like this but Last Epoch just isn’t doing it for me. I get super bored when playing it and have to stop after an hour or two and then never really feel like playing it again. I’ve forced myself to play it for about 20 hours but I gave up after that. It just feels empty and soulless somehow, it makes me completely aware I’m just sitting and clicking buttons and watching numbers go up/down.
Yeah I love path of exile but last epoch didn’t quite do it for me yet.
I think they have a good base though
I thought the game was really fun as far ARPGs go, but I play primarily on controller if I can, and while I was able to run through the bulk of it with 2 characters, holy crap it was infuriating. Every menu has a completely different input scheme, using the wrong one probably forced you out of the menus because you dared to move your character, and it really makes me wonder about the logic involved with that design process.
Don’t even get me started on keybindings! Why the fuck is S mapped to the Skills menu?! You so much as whisper off the center of Q and a full-screen menu pops up and completely cuts off any interaction with combat you were in. Yes, I know the player has the option to rebind, but WTF. That’s default?
Last Epoch is Diablo for those that can’t quit cold turkey.
It really seems like the same game with changes to its worst systems. I haven’t been keeping up completely but my friends were talking about this last night. They still only have 3 enemy types?
Still a hard no for me dawg
hmmm, doubt. But I’ll wait and see…
Blizzard can DIAF after the BnetD bullshit.
What do you do with all the time you save?
Probably just masturbates.
Thats what i’d do.
Daddy I’d Adore to beFriend
DIAF = Die in a fire
WHAT!? I don’t believe that
Diaf is absolutely “die in a fire”, been around a long time!
I think I would’ve heard of this before now then, nice try
Well, it is fitting for this game
I’ve been out of the loop. What did they do this time?
You’re not really out of the loop, this was more than 20 years ago: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bnetd
This happened back in 2002! No wonder I missed it, I was kind of stuck overseas for a bit around that time.
And I thought Blizzard was still cool back then.
Thanks for link, I appreciate it. I know it’s pretty easy to blow off an online comment.
What is BnetD? I’m assuming it’s something to do with battle net but I don’t know how that can get worse
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