BitTorrent v2 allows this also. In v1, torrents with multiple files are hashed continuously (cat) together without respect to file boundaries. A side effect of this that many people notice is that to grab a specific file may require downloading some of the files before or after the one you want.
Under v2, each file is hashed separately, so this fixes the aforementioned problem and should allow sharing of files across torrent files.
BitTorrent v2 allows this also. In v1, torrents with multiple files are hashed continuously (cat) together without respect to file boundaries. A side effect of this that many people notice is that to grab a specific file may require downloading some of the files before or after the one you want.
Under v2, each file is hashed separately, so this fixes the aforementioned problem and should allow sharing of files across torrent files.
That’s good to know!
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