At long last some of the wildflowers I planted last year are blooming. I can see that there are frequently bees on them, so hopefully they are being pollinated.

I would like to collect wildflower seeds from flowers that I would like to propagate and then spread them over bare patches to try and fill them in. How do I recognize when the seeds are ready to be harvested? How do I harvest them, just yank the bloom off of the stem? I planted a flower assortment with:

Purple Giant Hyssop, Dwarf Columbine, Siberian Wallflower, Shasta Daisy, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Sweet William Pinks, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, Gayfeather, Blue Flax, Perennial Lupine, Russell Lupine, Maltese Cross, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Mexican Hat, Dwarf Red Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Moss Verbena

I probably will spread them after the first frost so they grow in the spring.

  • merde
    7 months ago

    How do I recognize when the seeds are ready to be harvested? How do I harvest them, just yank the bloom off of the stem?

    flowers have different ways of seeding themselves. the answer depends very much on what their solution to reseeding is. You definitely need to wait for them to dry. Most flowers have dozens, some hundreds of seeds on every fruit(?) With some i just hold a bag under the fruit(?) and shake. With some others i have to actually pluck the grains.

    but you don’t need to wait till “after the frost”, you can take the grains and seed them immediately