The knowledge that I have to go to work for the rest of my life. Other people get to live remarkable lives, and I don’t. This is it. Forever.
On the flip side, you earn as long as you work. Assuming you earn a decent amount, you can invest it into your hobbies
Unless you find a job that is exciting?
Not impossible, but I’ve failed thus far. Most people do. There aren’t a lot of exciting jobs in the world and a lot of people who want them.
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Looking at the world getting worse every single day and realising that so few people care that we’re essentially doomed unless some miracle happens.
True, but revolutions usually take place by the few. I think that we just stopped discussing things with each other and just let things be. There will be no divine intervention I think.
No, you are thinking of coups. A true revolution would never succeed without broad public support.
Climate change, and the associated realization that if I ever have children they will live in a world even more inhospitable than I grew up with.
Currently I would say the fear of unemployment. Getting a good paying job is difficult day by day.
In Germany it’s starting to get hard to find employees. Our demographic is fucked.
The company I work for offers 35h per week / 30 days of vacation plus 6 additional days that you can either take or transform into money / work from home (if you wish) / paid overtime / paid travel time / good travel compensation / a very, very strong union (IG Metall) / subsidized meals / very good pay (for German standards) etc.
Yet we have a hard time finding people. It’s a bummer but I believe the young people don’t really have anything to work for. Nice housing is scarce and way too expensive, excessive consumption just fuels the climate catastrophe so no point in amassing shit no one really needs. They just want to have some time to themselves and don’t give a shit about leading a comfortable life. And I fully understand them. If it weren’t for my daughter I’d have sold the house and all meaningless shit and lead a healthy life instead of working for some dipshit just to make said dipshit richer.
I see. I think that this is happening almost everywhere. Neo-liberalism’s tactics are hitting hard societies that are implementing it. But yet again, sell everything and lead a healthy life, where and how…?
I don’t necessarily mean to live like a nomad or something similar. I mean to cut working hours in half for example and just come to terms with living in a shitty apartment. With more spare time on your hands, you can be outside more, do more sports, pick up hobbies (not all hobbies need to be expensive). Just live a more modest life but put the focus on yourself instead of work. Most people with well paying jobs grow accustomed to the luxury they can afford, which makes it difficult to go back to the level of comfort one used to have when they were students for example. I was happy as a student, I was also dirt poor. But happy!
Well said!
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Existence is stressful.
Realizing, that my condition health-wise is probably not going to improve miraculously and is partially unbearable right now.
Knowing I can’t ever afford my own house or afford to retire, but also that at some point I won’t be able to find work any more.
Air travel. I do it, I’ve been doing it all my life, but it’s basically a series of opportunities for something to get screwed up and waste your whole day, lose and/or destroy your stuff, end up stuck overnight in a smelly terminal with no food or bed, and maybe get puked on by someone’s baby or your junk grabbed by a dude in a fake police uniform.
Hey now, getting my junk grabbed is a perk buddy.
Especially by a dude in a fake police uniform.
everything about it is stressful.
and the worst part, is there isnt even a valid reason for any of it to exist.
It exists because greedy people want to exploit people who don’t have enough money, so they can have ever larger, utterly draconic hordes of gold.
My current health problems, global warming, my job and late stage capitalism
Alot of the serious things that people here already mentioned, unable to see a bright future for humanity. Cant afford a house of your own, etc.
But another thing that affects me day to day is Seeing stray cats and dogs on the side of the road. They just make me sad and then i have the urge to help them. And then realizing that i cannot help them all.
Having to deal with frustrated and angry users unloading on me because I cannot fix their issues right away is probably my biggest thing that makes me stressed out. I work in Windows Desktop Support, need I say anymore?
The pain is real!
The pain is real!
For sure! There’s a reason why I on all of my personal computing devices and servers that I refuse to have anything Microsoft related. All I run at home is Linux and BSD.
Linux FTW!!
For sure. It’s a breath of fresh air. It just does big things like actually work.
To Do lists with more than 3 items.
The fear of being left alone by everyone, because i don’t always adapt to peoples expectations now, like i kinda did my whole life. I know at the end of the day the people who realy matter will stay, but it hurts feeling like someone who once was your friend may be talking trash about you behind your back, because of misunderstanding and things that changed.