Lot of stuff I’ve been reading say to buy around mid December when the seed catalogs come out, but which ones?

I usually just get seeds and plants from Home Depot, it’s done the job, but I want to find some nice heirlooms and/or varieties they don’t carry. Also screw “white label” seeds. But that’s another discussion.

So this last year I got some different seeds from Lee Valley, but I wasn’t a huge fan, still felt like Home Depot just under another name.

So what’s your guys favorite website or place to get seeds. And when do you find the best time to order.

  • Fermion@feddit.nl
    4 months ago


    Use the map to find a supplier near you that cares about sourcing local milkweed. If they have that priority, chances are they will get a lot of other stuff right too.

    I found https://sowtrueseed.com/ through that utility and I’ve been happy with the seeds and tools I’ve gotten from them.

    I found out our local library has a seed bank. So that’s something I will be looking into participating in when it reopens in the spring.