What an A-hole. Guess he can’t afford a saw.

And those damn screws.

  • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
    4 months ago

    You’re special eh?

    It’s pretty normal to have fences on property lines, why pay 4x the price for fences?

    Because that would be a shared fence. Which all parties that adjoin that fence would have ownership stake in and therefore share the costs of.

    There isn’t shared upkeep?

    And yet here we are looking at a picture of someone attempting poorly to upkeep a fence. Gee golly did you just talk yourself into a circle hur durr?

    If you want to maintain yours, you do, if you neighbor does they do.

    Not if it’s a shared asset. Now you’re describing individual fences set back into the property. Gee golly did you just talk yourself into a circle hur durr?

    It’s a fence, you can literally leave it for 2 decades and it won’t do anything.

    Depends on where you live, the quality of the wood, if there’s any critters doing damage… etc…
    Tell me you’re not a homeowner without telling me you’re not a homeowner. I have fucking cinderblock walls, and even they require maintenance more often than every decade. Let alone 2.

    What upkeep are you referring to?

    Literally look at the post you knucklehead.

    I’m sure you could find the $10 and not need to bitch with your neighbor over the price of a coffee… yeah?

    If it’s a shared wall, simply chucking $10 of shit lumber at the fence could actually make the property worse… Case and point look at the fucking picture of the OP. If it’s shared, that could be a legal problem if all parties don’t unanimously agree.

    You mean the exact situation as before that got remedied by talking to them and coming to an agreement…?

    No. Because lots of people out there are fucking looney tunes. And lots of people out there don’t give a flying fuck about you. Many will only look out for themselves and cause you whatever problems they want to cause because to them it doesn’t fucking matter. Case and point. OP is bitching that it looks like shit. It’s not even their fucking fence to complain about. The fact that we see 2 fences here shows that each property is maintaining their own fence.

    Where I am you sign a covenant when you buy the land, if you don’t sign the convenant, while you don’t get to buy the land.

    Okay Buffy.

    Edit: LMFAO So now you report this comment… Good job!

    So which rule does this post break? Me pointing out that you did the same thing you claimed I did is rule 1 is it? I was clear what I was talking about, you were just being argumentative as shit.

    • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Insults the person and is uncivil and asks what rule they broke. Maybe read the rules in a community before commenting…?

      Lmfao. You’re an uncivil dick who started the comment off with an insult, I reported you for breaking more than one rule. And now you’re pissy since you’ve got caught being the argumentative dick and are being petty about being reported for your own actions.

      Look in the mirror troll.

      • Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
        3 months ago

        Bless your heart. You really are special.

        Edit: Now you’ve gone through my recent posts and downvoted each of them. Congrats! What a waste of your time. But I’m “the troll”.

        Edit2: WAAAAAAHHHHH