Not talking suicide. But, I mean more like an age where you know you won’t be dating anybody and that you don’t care if you let some of your health slide. Get a little chubby, drink some beers that you never did before, smoke like you never did before when you spent years avoiding the stuff when you were younger.

Stuff like that. I think I might get into smoking when I’m more into my 40s or something. I don’t care, life would’ve long pass me by then, it isn’t like I’m going to be a successful individual at 55 or something.

    4 months ago

    I’m a little chubby and drink more beers than i should. I’m 40. I’m in a stable relationship, so not on the dating market.

    Also, I have similar thoughts about my professional ambitions. I’ll neither become CEO nor professor, so why bother. Could I make more? Probably. A more fancy title? Sure. But why I care?