after a busy last week things have calmed down significantly; about to finish a 900 page book in three days, which is quite an accomplishment

    3 months ago

    I’ve definitely had a kinda emotional week (in a good way). My dad that I thought would never speak to me again sat down and wanted to just ask questions and talk with me, which was weird since all he’s ever done was yell at me and put me down since I was a kid, but this felt like an actual, normal conversation, for once. Basically I’m pretty sure he’s just finally accepted me, and that feels pretty nice.

    I also finally finished setting up the replacement PC for the one that died a month ago; Gotta say I’m surprised with how easy it is to just run games on Linux now. Things just work.

    And I learned over the last weekend that a whole bunch of people on my mom’s side of the family are super supportive, which I really wasn’t expecting!

    (Also thanks for reminding me I need to take more time to just sit down, relax and read)