From their homepage: IPFire_ is the world’s leading Open Source firewall distribution. Businesses across the world have chosen to put their trust in our versatile, feature-rich solution with its easy-to-use web management console.
From their homepage: IPFire_ is the world’s leading Open Source firewall distribution. Businesses across the world have chosen to put their trust in our versatile, feature-rich solution with its easy-to-use web management console.
is this an advertisement?
also, is it really the world leading oss firewall distro?
I’m no expert but I have never heard of it, even though I’m not exactly new to Linux. in contrast, OPNSense and pfSense is quite popular
It’s certainly existed for years and it’s a nice release, such as it is. However, the absolute lack of IPv6 and abject refusal to incorporate WireGuard for ReasonsTM led to me going back to OpenBSD and OpenWRT, personally. They seem to have a WIP towards finally incorporating WireGuard, but IPv6 is still AWOL, which is fatal for my use-case.