Like, I know why it’s being banned or has been banned or whatever. I just don’t understand the rage behind to keep this shitty ass social media platform that is essentially Vine 2.0

TikTok has been the detriment to society today as Facebook was and is. People doing stupid challenges. People’s attention span getting lower and lower. People pretending they’re more popular than life itself because of their faux acting and lip-syncing.

Why keep the piece of shit?

    2 months ago

    The only people who support the ban are boot licking idiots who don’t know the real reason why it’s being banned in the first place. The only reason TikTok is being banned is Marky Mark and Muskrat don’t like competition to their own platforms. Platforms they are happy to censor for the US government’s own devices. TikTok isn’t doing anything other social media platforms are doing as far as data collection, they are just not based in the USA so Uncle Sam can’t step in and demand the data. The whole thing is a production of hypocrisy and goose stepping politics.