I’ve recently (finally) taken the leap into self-hosting my RSS reader, and I’m wondering what feeds everyone’s subscribed to
I’ve currently got some basics like Github releases for software I use, the great selfh.st blog for self-hosted news, hackaday, some essentials like xkcd, and an attempt at following new music releases from artists I like, but I’m sure there are other great feeds out there that I should also be aware of
Pro-audio, nerd blogs, geek news, etc. From an exported OPML file:
www.kvraudio.com/index.php?s=top www.macosaudio.com www.404media.co/ leancrew.com/all-this/ www.appleoutsider.com arstechnica.com arstechnica.com bitsplitting.org brettterpstra.com veertu.com/ daringfireball.net/ krebsonsecurity.com marco.org/ onethingwell.org/ sheriffs.substack.com twitterisgoinggreat.com/ veertu.com/ distrowatch.com/ distrowatch.com/ liliputing.com/ www.macstories.net www.servethehome.com/category/networking/ www.cyberciti.biz/atom/ www.servethehome.com/ sixcolors.com www.techdirt.com tidbits.com/ www.servethehome.com/tag/tinyminimicro/ www.wired.com www.afp548.com www.airpair.com www.airpair.com www.airpair.com annoying.technology/ birchtree.me/ blog.codinghorror.com/ command-tab.com ericasadun.com boehs.org arstechnica.com lapcatsoftware.com/FeedbackAssistantBoycott/index.html flickerfusion.com/index.xml www.friendlyatheist.com furbo.org hypercritical.co/feeds/main inessential.com/ www.kooslooijesteijn.net www.kooslooijesteijn.net krypted.com blog.lastinfirstout.net/ learn-networking.com linuxblog.io/ linuxblog.io/ mjtsai.com/blog mrmacintosh.com/ mtlynch.io/ www.multicore.blog nfarina.com/ www.cyberciti.biz/ notes.ghed.in/ pxlnv.com/ planet.centos.org mtlynch.io/posts/ inessential.com/ redsweater.com/blog rentzsch.tumblr.com/ retina.studio morrick.me www.peoplefor.org/ www.schneier.com/ docs.microsoft.com/archive/blogs/msdn/sfu/feed.xml shawnblanc.net tante.cc/ stevenf.com/wiki/ take.surf/feed.atom macromates.com lapcatsoftware.com/articles/index.html eclecticlight.co www.alexlaird.com/ lonesysadmin.net/ robservatory.com shapeof.com/ theunderground.blog/ everythingsysadmin.com/ tyler.io underpassapp.com/news/index.html waxy.org waxy.org/ web3isgoinggreat.com williamlam.com stevenf.com/wiki/ firewallengineer.wordpress.com abnml.com/ www.astralcodexten.com hackerboards.com changelog.com/ davidwalsh.name www.wheresyoured.at/ blog.equinux.com/ telruptive.com news.ycombinator.com/ask news.ycombinator.com/newest hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com howtonode.org macwright.com meh.com/ crys.site/bsd/ mikeindustries.com/blog www.cyberciti.biz/atom/ www.raywenderlich.com feeds.feedblitz.com/scotch_io sunilkumarn.wordpress.com simonwillison.net/atom/everything/ taoofmac.com www.tenable.com/ thehungrycoder.com www.theverge.com crys.site/unix-history/ blog.codeship.com codecondo.com webapplog.com www.andrewhay.ca www.cio.com www.computerworld.com www.computerworld.com www.extremetech.com/feed hazenet.dk www.infoworld.com itcblogs.currentanalysis.com itcblogs.currentanalysis.com www.techradar.com/rss www.linuxjournal.com/ www.linuxtoday.com/ www.linux.com lxer.com/ oswalt.dev/ meilleurabonnementiptvavis.wordpress.com mondaynote.com?source=rss----c537d80ed0a---4 netcraftsmen.com www.networkcomputing.com www.networkcomputing.com www.networkworld.com www.networkworld.com www.networkingfiles.com www.phoronix.com/ www.sdxcentral.com www.securitypronews.com techbuddha.wordpress.com www.storagereview.com www.sysadminnews.com www.tecmint.com nucblog.net/ www.unixmen.com/ www.virten.net www.citationneeded.news/ www.dropsitenews.com
I think this one doesn’t work anymore lmao
True but I only remove things that are bothering me so…
I just mentioned because I tried to enter the website found out what’s there
I compiled the RSS feeds I follow here, with lots of web-dev blogs and newsletters.
For a moment, I thought you set up a feed of feeds :)
Oh wow: https://axel.leroy.sh/blog/creating-the-feeds-page Awesome job on this!
- charity.wtf - charity wtf’s about technology, databases, startups, engineering management, and whiskey. - https://charity.wtf/feed/
- https://daniel.haxx.se/blog - CURL! - https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/feed/
- Thoughtbot - https://feed.thoughtbot.com/
- Schneems - Programming Practices, Performance, and Pedantry - https://www.schneems.com/feed.xml
- Trey Hunner - https://treyhunner.com/atom.xml
- マリウス - https://マリウス.com/index.xml
- hundred rabbits - VERY unique software and perma-computing - https://100r.co/links/rss.xml
- Comics – Runaway to the Stars - Scifi unique comic. Been following them on tumblr for a while. https://www.runawaytothestars.com/comic/feed/
- Dumbing of Age - College times - http://www.dumbingofage.com/feed/
- https://floraverse.com/ - Very strange comic, but I like the short stories - https://floraverse.com/@@feed
- Gamer Cafe | ComicFury - A comic mostly about video games, sometimes anime, some other nerd stuff - https://comicfury.com/read/gamercafe/rss
- Kevin & Kell - One of the older webcomics, still very active and I enjoy it - https://www.kevinandkell.com/rss.xml
- Out-of-Placers - Highly recommend. Some of the funniest comics I read. - https://www.valsalia.com/feed/
- Rice-Boy.com If you like very deep world-building, riceboy is for you. - https://rice-boy.com/rss.xml
- The Oatmeal - Comics, Quizzes, & Stories - http://feeds.feedburner.com/oatmealfeed
- QC - https://www.questionablecontent.net/QCRSS.xml
Theres some more but I think those are the best.
- Elena Rossini - A staple of the fediverse: https://blog.elenarossini.com/rss/
- LOW←TECH MAGAZINE English - If you like solar projects and articles, its a great site: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/posts/index.xml
- rtl-sdr.com - Ham radio kinda deals. It kinda feels like Hackaday but for HAMs - https://www.rtl-sdr.com/feed/
- The Luddite - An Anticapitalist Tech Blog - https://theluddite.org/feed.rss
- We Distribute - Another Fedi blog that has some really neat articles: https://wedistribute.org/feed/
Uh oh I might be subscribing to all of these! Thank you very much!
And wow that low tech magazine site is beautiful
They did a good job. Made me think of setting up a similar site someday.
- Webbed Briefs - Videos about the web in a very unique format: https://briefs.video/feed.xml
- Peertube.wtf - Peertube videos on the instance: https://peertube.wtf/feeds/videos.xml
All of the links are from my Fresh RSS. Works great. Ive curated my rss feeds for more than a decade at this point. Theres also services that can create rss feeds for you if you google.
Also Tumbler works with rss as well as royal road (for books).
royal road: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21220/mother-of-learning/ is https://www.royalroad.com/syndication/21220 FreshRss will generally find the rss feeds pretty well if you put the full url in there.
Hope that helps!
- Security Now.
- The Register
- Sashdot
- Lxer
I also subscribe to the Debian Security Announce email list.
Also using RSS with Youtube now. Muxh better way to follow Youtube channels.
Food safety recalls. Source/relevance would depend on your country. Not sure that it meets the criteria for “great”, but I found it better than hoping that relevant recalls would make it to a new source I read.
That last part is a huge reason why I’m taking RSS more seriously. I don’t want my information to be limited to what happens to get picked up by the news cycle or worse chosen by
the algorithm
. I’d much rather get the information from the source. So that definitely meets the criteria :D
deleted by creator
I just have my Nextcloud instance synchronize the .opml in Akregator. It works just fine, but setting it up a new device is a little obtuse and merge conflicts can get rather annoying sometimes.