Yeah, the chores-for-accommodation thing is a gray area that can be used against you, because it can be interpreted as work, which is not allowed on a tourist visa. She was able to enter without issues before, so it’s either she wasn’t asked or she didn’t mention the details.
Either way, she should’ve just been turned back and allowed to fly home to the UK, instead of being detained for over 10 days.
You are assigning a type of objectivity to the process that simply doesn’t exist. They’ve taken people’s kids away because they came into the country and then requested asylum.
Yeah, the chores-for-accommodation thing is a gray area that can be used against you, because it can be interpreted as work, which is not allowed on a tourist visa. She was able to enter without issues before, so it’s either she wasn’t asked or she didn’t mention the details.
Either way, she should’ve just been turned back and allowed to fly home to the UK, instead of being detained for over 10 days.
You are assigning a type of objectivity to the process that simply doesn’t exist. They’ve taken people’s kids away because they came into the country and then requested asylum.