I will come back to this post in September to see if I was right lol

Biggest concerning signs:

  1. 30 FPS lock on xbox, there’s no way to spin that positively, absolute fail

  2. Predatory pre-order bonus skins to get people to buy before they know what they’re actually going to experience (buggy shitshow)

  3. Countless attempts to hype up the game and huge random assurances from the devs

  4. Preemptively admitting the game has jank and trying to make it seem okay lol


At least the bugs will be absolutely hilarious I think.

  • Quit_this_instance
    51 year ago

    I don’t understand why anyone is naïve enough to still preorder from companies like Bethesda.

    Mostly I don’t understand pre-ordering games at all (patient gamers represent) but from Bethesda? You’re basically paying to get kicked in the shins. Surely we all know this by now.

    • JackbyDev
      21 year ago

      Part of the reason Bethesda’a PC games age so well is because of them being so moddable.

    • @Granary@feddit.uk
      21 year ago

      I never understood why you would even want the pre-order bonuses. Surely that would detract from unlocking things in game if they give you a bunch of stuff for free. Wasn’t it one of the dead space games that have you a bunch of bonus weapons that broke progression?

    • @Namstel@lemmy.one
      01 year ago

      Right? How could anybody still fall for that after the shit show that was Fallout 76? I recently watched a long video with some gameplay footage and Todd Howard giving an interview and most comments were people being absolutely hyped to the bone. I’m sorry for them… They’re going to be so disappointed.

      • Quit_this_instance
        01 year ago

        Fallout 76 is only the most recent, they’ve been like this since… I guess a little after morrowind? As an early adopter of tes (saved my sheckels to buy arena after reading a PC gamer review, did not regret), I was sad to see them go to shit, but to shit they went and it was not recent.

        • @FlamingHot@feddit.de
          1 year ago

          Man i was there for the older elder scrolls games. Same exact thing minus the internet hype because there was no internet. But they always hyped their games beyond anything reasonable and the end product was a buggy mess. They called daggerfall “buggerfall” back in the day for a reason.

          It is now 30 years of continuous lies and people are still believing it.

  • @Derproid@sh.itjust.works
    41 year ago

    Bethesda jank is what brought us the Giant Space Program in Skyrim so I’m definitely fine with some jank. They’ve also said it’s the least buggy Bethesda game they’ve made. It feels like you’re just picking bad points to shit on the game.

    • @FlamingHot@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      They’ve also said it’s the least buggy Bethesda game they’ve made.

      They have also said the exact same thing every single time they have talked about a new game. Literaly EVERY SINGLE TIME. Jesus christ please stop…

      • @Derproid@sh.itjust.works
        21 year ago

        Are you arguing against it? Has anyone actually done an in-depth analysis to prove that the games are not getting less buggy? I know Bethsda has a vested interest in us thinking it’s true but without any evidence I’d trust them over random people on the internet.

        • @FlamingHot@feddit.de
          21 year ago

          I am pretty damn sure Fallout 76 was the buggiest game they ever released. And Todd literally said: dont worry no bugs this time. It just works.

          • @Derproid@sh.itjust.works
            31 year ago

            Fallout 76 is extremely different technically from their single player games so of course it’s going to be more buggy. I’d be more interested in a comparison between Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Starfield after it releases. Also the “It just works” quote comes from Fallout 4 talking about the settlement builder. I don’t know what claims they made about FO76 since I wasn’t interested in it but I doubt he would use the same phrase again after it backfired so bad (and I also can’t find any evidence he did say it for FO76). So no, Todd did not “literally say” it just works. In fact for FO76 he said “sometimes it just doesn’t work”.

            • @FlamingHot@feddit.de
              21 year ago

              He said that as a joke while announcing the BETA of Fallout 76. And after the beta they announced they would fix everything, which they obvioulsy didn’t.

    • @Toribor@corndog.uk
      31 year ago

      Jank is partially the result of allowing for emergent gameplay where various forms of simulated systems can interact with each other in novel or unpredictable ways.

      That being said I have no clue how people tolerate playing these games on console. Can’t even count the number of times I’ve had to use console commands to fix something myself.

      The fact they are priming people to expect this is pretty bad.

  • ShadowRam
    41 year ago

    Their game engine is shit, always has been shit.

    30FPS cap is a function of their old engine being shit and attempting to keep up with modern engines.

    I wish they would just abandon the engine already and move forward with a modern engine.

  • Blake [he/him]
    31 year ago

    I’m 100% expecting this game to crash and burn in the most outrageous manner possible. I’ll be surprised if it turns out to be a good game.

    It’s possible that they’ll get around to making it good eventually but I’m betting it’ll be total garbage at launch

  • @oryx@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    This post reads as if you’re a PlayStation player that still obsessed over the cOnSoLe WaRs and is just salty.

    1. Countless attempts to hype up the game and huge random assurances from the devs

    You mean… marketing?

    Pretty much everything you said is dumb or just not true, but that one was especially hilarious.

  • @FantasticFox@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    It’s probably going to be the game of the year, maybe beaten by TOTK. Certainly it’ll be one of the best selling games of all time.

    This is such a neckbeard take.

    • @jamesA
      21 year ago

      Member Fallout '76? I member.

    • 1bluepixel
      11 year ago

      Maybe somewhere in the middle, honestly. Highly publicized bugs at launch, people complaining they’re under-delivering on what we all knew was marketing bullshit, then bugs get fixed under the radar and the game turns out to be amazing by the time they release their first DLC.

      People always harp on about not pre-ordering, but you know what’s even better? Ignoring launch hype. I mean, look at Cyberpunk.

    • @normonator@lemmy.ml
      01 year ago

      Wow that is way more of a neckbeard take. There is no way in hell starfield is going to beat totk. It’s going to be janky shit, but outside of specific communities nobody cares about starfield in comparison.

      • @ProcurementCat@feddit.de
        1 year ago

        There is no way in hell starfield is going to beat totk.

        Tears of the Kingdom sold over 10 million copies so far. Breath of the Wild sold 31 million.

        Skyrim sold 60 million.

        Zelda, being Nintendo exclusive, is a much smaller franchise than major Bethesda games. Unless Starfield is a total bust at launch like No Man’s Sky or Cyberpunk (and even those managed 10+ and 20+ million copies sold), it will beat TotK easily.


        but outside of specific communities nobody cares about starfield in comparison

        I’d think that about a mobile game like Fallout Shelter, but at 170 million copies sold it beats all other Bethesda franchises together.

      • @FantasticFox@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        I think it’ll be close as TOTK is a really, really strong contender. In any other year Starfield would get it for sure. But TOTK is pretty incredible.

  • couragethecowardlydog
    21 year ago

    Is it going to be horrible ? No. Just from the gameplay I’ve seen I can tell you I’m going to have a good time. Will it live up to my personal expectations? Absolutely not. But neither did cyberpunk and anytime someone asks me for a good cyberpunk game I don’t hesitate to tell the cp2077 is in a league of it’s own, despite all the shortcomings.

  • @asexualchangeling@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I never expect a stable game from Bethesda, I only hope when I play it (months/years later) there are community patches to fix most of it, and most importantly mods to make it more fun

    As for the 30fps thing, it makes no sense to me why there can’t be a performance mode, that being said I play on PC and if it’s locked to 30 there then there are some major problems

    The pre order bonus I just see as a common market tactics today, and am just glad it doesn’t unlock abilities early like the preorders for spider-man on PC

    And yeah I don’t buy the “least buggy Bethesda game ever on release” thing, becouse well, that doesn’t say much

    • Virkkunen
      11 year ago

      As for the 30fps thing, it makes no sense to me why there can’t be a performance mode

      Graphics aren’t the only thing that are heavy on resources. The thing with Bethesda games is that you have a lot of clutter items scattered around (like tin cans, forks and cheese wheels) that you can pickup, drag around, and because of this interactive nature, there’s physics calculations for all these items, and this hogs resources. You can’t just lower texture resolution or turn off anti aliasing and be done with it, you’d have to fundamentally change how the game works to make a performance for a Bethesda game

  • @jamesA
    21 year ago

    It’s free on GamePass so I’ll be playing it on PC on day one. I have high hopes but realistic expectations (this is Bethesda so it’ll likely be broken af). I really WANT it to be good though!

  • @nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksM
    11 year ago

    There is likely going to be loading screens when entering buildings like in past games built on basically the same engine.

    • Snowpix
      11 year ago

      “Our tech is cutting edge as far as I can tell, the Creation Engine’s aging very well! We’re not planning on doing anything about it”

    • Lols [they/them]
      -11 year ago

      most engines used by AAA studios are just upgraded versions of engines that games were running on 20 years ago

  • SuiXi3D
    11 year ago

    I think it’ll be just like every other release. If it’s not absolutely perfect people are gonna shit all over it, but the reality will be that it’s fine. There’s no such thing as a perfect game. Either play and enjoy it or don’t. It’ll be on GamePass day one, so your monetary investment in trying it doesn’t have to be $70. Hell, you can probably find a free trial somewhere to try it with. So who cares if it’s not perfect or not. I bet just like all of their other games it’ll be a load of fun.

  • Tyson712
    11 year ago

    Nah, I think you’re way overblowing this. Starfield is going to be a success, it’ll be the least buggy release they’ve ever had and people will love it. Monetization? Sure. 30fps? Yeah that’s standard for consoles. It’s not going to be a perfect game, it’s just going to be a damn good one. Enjoy it in the sea of mediocrity we have right now

  • @Stahlreck@feddit.de
    11 year ago

    Idk, for me it seems like they are really trying this time unlike with FO76. Like sure you can and should still absolutely be cautious, it might release in a bad state for lots of people but IMO we should just hope it does not.

    IMO in terms of the actual content of the game it looks like what you would expect from a mainline BGS RPG. A giant version of Elder Scrolls/Fallout in space and if that’s the case the game will be fantastic. The only thing that could ruin it is bugs that make the game unplayable. There will be bugs either way, Skyrim to this day has many but as long as they’re not game breaking it should be fine.

    I personally really hope the game is good and succeeds. Nobody in this industry makes RPGs like Bethesda and I really crave for a new one to sink in 100s of hours and then add mods to it to make it even better.

  • @KiofKi@feddit.de
    11 year ago

    Not sure what people are actually expecting from starfield. It’ll be TES/Fallout in space. The story will be mediocre but who plays Bethesda games for the main quest anyway? The graphics won’t be top-notch, but who plays Bethesda games for the graphics? It won’t be completely bug-free, but who… You get it. It will be a game that we will play for decades to come, especially with mods. But I don’t expect it to be a revolution of the genre.

    • @FlamingHot@feddit.de
      11 year ago

      Before they showed it people absolutely where expecting something else than TES/Fallout in space. But as soon as they showed it, it was obvious it is just another typical bethesda RPG. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people seem to love that. But the expectation was certainly something else after they announced it.

  • @Deft@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    11 year ago

    fully agree but only because this is just how games are now. people keep buying them so there is no push to make a decent product. they’ll release it and maybe after a decade it’ll be okay. just like Skyrim and Cyberpunk and everything else.