Me too. I just got down voted without any engagement 😥
Me too. I just got down voted without any engagement 😥
Pizza sauce is made with tomatoes and that doesn’t make it Tomato sauce
Texas Pete isn’t a Pepper sauce it’s a hot sauce. There is a big difference in flavor
I used to carry a backup battery so if I was away from a charger camping or so ething I could just pop a fresh battery in
When my younger cousin who I’m very close to was getting married I was supposed to be a groomsmen but, my unit was deploying so my.cousin had the wedding planned so that I could take leave and go before deploying. My grandmother (who Is a not very nice person) was moving to Germany from the US so she convinced my cousin to change her wedding date to a date I couldn’t take leave on so that she could be part of the wedding before she moved. When I complained my grandma told me " when you decide to leave home you miss important events"
Flash forward 5 years to when I was getting married. My grandma was back from Germany for 6 months. Me and my wife originally had our wedding planned for a date 2 weeks before grandma left then I realized that I had to get back at her. So we rescheduled for 2 days after she left. When she complained I told her " when you decide to leave home you miss important events"
19’ I’m not saying it’s easy I’m saying it’s not that hard and not unapproachable for people.
Lmao no I said I manage I don’t own it but, even when I owned my own house (all wealth I have is self gotten my parents are broke too) we still grew most of our food and raised a flock of birds.
I bought my first house with money I saved when I was in the Army. Then when I got my job at the farm they provided housing. Lived in my truck for almost 6 months after getting out of the Army before buying my house. Which was a POS and I slowly rebuilt it. Sorry you live in a apartment
We very much so do live in a society where you can easily engage in animal Husbandry on your own.
Almost everyone I know raises their own food and sells the excess to City Dwellers…but, to be fair I manage a 40k bird turkey farm
And they are delicious
I have over 10TBs of movies and TV shows and have watched most of them
I do hate that Op used Lemmitters instead of Lemmings. It sounds bad
A few years ago I was driving to my wife’s parents place to let their dogs out. It was about 6pm so not dark yet but, the sun was down. I turned the corner o t a back road that went next to the river and all of a sudden it rather dark outside, and I had a really bad sense of dread like the air was heavy. Some of the worst fear I’ve ever had was setting in. Then suddenly on the right I saw man who was pitch black wearing a hat leaning against a sign. Half a mile later I saw him again sitting on the guardrail on the other side of the road, so I sped up and got out of there. A few hours later I was headed home and same thing happened d I turned on the road and had fear well up inside me. I came around the bend and watched a Jetta go flying off the road and the girl driving hopped out and looked at me with tears pouring down her face, usually I’d be one to stop and make sure all was ok but, with the fear I had I just wanted out of there. Then I came around the next bend and saw him standing in the middle of the other lane roughly where I’d seen him before so I just floored it and got out of there. Still get spooked thinking about it and have a lot of nightmares since where the man with a hat is chasing me while I drive
Frank’s is my favorite lol
Detroit style is the freaking best
I’m at like 900 hours in Core Keeper
I had a nice layout for a while that used Iframes to access all my services. Made things easier for my family they just went to the main domain and there was a menu that would take them to ll the services no back button needed. Iframes aren’t really secure from my understanding tho.
Interesting about that page was I hade ChatGPT generate the HTML for it
I love Newpipe on my Android TV and phone. Added benefit of not sending any user data to YouTube I just imports my subscriptions from my phone to the TV every month or so