AcidSmiley [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlfixed cyberghost's "meme"
    1 year ago

    It’s funny that somebody who has made his account on here entirely to spread anti-communist propaganda calls other people a fascist. You’re equating the people who built Auschwitz with those who liberated it, you’re effectively a holocaust denier and a nazi. Eat shit and die, you fascist pig with your transparent wrecking attempts.

  • So what if i say “China is far from perfect, but the people there are a lot happier with their government than the Amerikans, they are much less of a threat geopolitically, maybe we should leave them alone because it’s honestly none of our business how the Chinese govern themselves”? Is it the usual 50 cent wumao genocide denier tinaman square then?

  • Here’s an overwiew:

    Also i know a ton of older trans people who were already out 20 years ago. There’s more of us not repressing our transness today, sure, and just 5 years ago i would’ve agreed with you that things have improved massively, but the last few yeasrs have been outright terrifying, there’s a very real backlash against trans rights and it is bankrolled with a ton of money from reactionary activists in the US, but also Brazil, the UK, the EU, Russia and the gulf states. Hate crimes are increasing,t his years’ pride season was full of attacks and vilification as well. Queerphobia is taking over as the right’s new favorite form of bigottry. Things are getting rough out there, i’ve regularly seen requests about migrating to Europe from American and British trans people during the last year, until the majority recently changed to posts like “im stuck in Florida and can’t leave, what happens to my body when i can’t take HRT (hormone replacement therapy) anymore?” Talks about where to move to when things turn south are fairly common among us nowadays, as are plans to arm and organize for community self defense.

  • Tankie is a term that specifically refers to one particular kind of communism

    Nope, tankie originally referred specifically to British labor party members supporting the USSR’s actions against the coup in Hungary, and today is used to refer to any anti-imperialist leftist, regardless of tendency. Of course all of you claim otherwise, but these claims are provably empty, as nobody who uses the term today, including you in this thread, bothers to check for the actual political views of the people you call tankie, you see something that may go against the state department narratives that are spoonfed to you by V*ush and the reddit front page or whoever else has done this pseudo-leftist brainworming to you and you start yelling tankie at the top of your liberal, western-chauvinist lungs. A good number of the people posting on hexbear are anarchists and DemSocs, but you will label all of them tankie as long as they critically support China or question the narrative on the new forever war in Ukraine, which to you equals “thinking today’s Russia is true communism” and similar nonsense. Your understanding of politics is damaged beyond repair by being socialized as a smartass debatelord who has become entirely incapable of forming judgements not based on learned reflex and of engaging in good faith conversations. I would pity you if people like you wouldn’t be such a disaster for the Western left and for anybody in the Global South suffering from the continued imperialism you help enable by fighting the last genuine critics of genocidal US policies that are left in the West. You CIA tool, you psyop casualty, you neocon bootlicker.

  • I hope the world treats you with more compassion and respect in the future.

    Gee, thanks for your pity, but i don’t need that. Most of my friends are cis and i know what it’s like when cis people treat me with compassion and respect, as most people are actually capable of that. It’s not that hard. They listen when i voice my grievances and understand that i have a different, yet valid perspective on such things than them, and that they can learn something from that to be more inclusive in the future. Probably because they understand that calling out transphobia doesn’t mean calling somebody a transphobe. I would’ve used different language than that if my impression would have been malice instead of ignorance.

  • Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I point out misgendering and some cissie has the fucking nerve to argue with me why blatantly degendering women, a common smear tactic among British terfs btw, isn’t a bad thing akshually. “oH i’M oNlY dOiG tHiS wHeN gEnDeR iSn’T rElEvAnT”, the fuck are you talking about, respecting trans people’s gender is ALWAYS relevant, you do not get to decide on this. This is our decision alone, to deny trans people the autonomy over their gendered self expresion and gender recognition is a textbook case of transphobia.

    To make this perfectly clear: There is ONE, just ONE, correct response when somebody calls you out for misgendering somebody. It’s apologizing and correcting your mistake. That’s a tiny thing to do and takes a fraction of the time it takes to argue with me, and it will cause you one millionth of the distress you’re up for when you act transphobic in my presence. If she would be fine with being they / themed, she would have given they / them as a second set of pronouns. Why is that so hard to understand?

  • Economic coercion is a problem in sex work, but it is one that cannot ever be adressed by any policy only targeting conditions around sex work, but exclusively by policies that directly remove the coercive conditions under the rule of capital. No anti-sex work law will remove the fact that people see no choice but entering survival sex work, or migrating from the periphery into the center to work as prostitutes. The only way to prevent that is to end poverty and i know i do not have to explain to you what that entails, we’re in agreement on that.

    This comment is also not entirely directed at your reply, it’s more about the general line of thinking that started this comment chain. I’m not under the impression that most sex workers are abducted victims of human trafficking, that’s a line of thinking that is always brough tup by swerfs and never backed up with any evidence, i think that your remark towards economic coercion is much closer to the core problem at play here.