It’s not just the posts. The neighbor used nails that are way too long. IMO that’s a safety hazard.
It’s not just the posts. The neighbor used nails that are way too long. IMO that’s a safety hazard.
Do people want to play Warcraft 2? I have a lot of nostalgic memories of when I played it as a kid but unlike the other remastered old Blizzard games, it isn’t very good by 21st century standards.
The dip only lasted a few months. By August of 2020, VTI was back to where it had been before the dip in February.
Finally, a day when it is acceptable for me to lure children into my van!
They get paid more by the advertisers for delivering personalized ads.
licensing issues
I understand that the buyer doesn’t lose the de facto ability to install the game from a local copy of the installer, but is it possible to lose the de jure right to install the game in that way due to licensing issues on GOG’s end? I’m not saying it is, I’m just curious.
It adds insult to injury, since it shows that they expect that some people will want to apply those filters, but then they don’t care enough to make the filters work. They just waste even more of my time by creating the false impression that they have made a tool that does what I want.
Less documentation means more job security.
My issue with this is that it works well with sample code but not as well with real-world situations where maintaining a state is important. What if rider.preferences
was expensive to calculate?
Note that this code will ignore a rider’s preferences if it finds a lower-rated driver before a higher-rated driver.
With that said, I often work on applications where even small improvements in performance are valuable, and that is far from universal in software development. (Generally developer time is much more expensive than CPU time.) I use C++ so I can read this like pseudocode but I’m not familiar with language features that might address my concerns.
I don’t understand why browsers support this “functionality”.
always chooses the cheapest option
quality isn’t great
Capitalism is to blame!
Yeah, and while vegan imitation meat is delicious (so much so that even my meat-eating friends will happily eat it with me) vegan imitation cheese ranges from mediocre to terrible. And then it costs several times as much as real cheese too!
It was probably just full of garbage (which is also “limp” and attracts flies) and the idea of some cop having to cut it open and go through it because you called it in is sort of funny.
With that said, I have wondered about similar things. One time I saw a guy I thought might be dead but I waited a few minutes, he moved a little, and I figured he was probably just very drunk so I left. Another time I did go tell an NYC cop that there was a guy lying on the ground in the middle of a busy street, and the cop didn’t seem to care. Maybe I should have called 911 instead but I didn’t want to be officially associated with the situation.
I occasionally get into a state where I feel hungry but the thought of eating almost any food, including foods I usually like, is disgusting. I end up eating something really bland, like raw tofu.
Also, I didn’t have any cravings after I became a vegetarian. I was never seriously tempted to eat meat. However, I did eat a lot of cheese and now that I eat very little if it, I want cheese all the time. I’m not even hungry right now and I’m still salivating because I’m thinking about cheese.
Well, at least under capitalism a few people do get to live well…
I don’t have a profile picture, but just FYI I’m shirtless right now.
At least you can fix the sleeves in public. Uncomfortable is when your underwear slides down inside your pants.
Ok but then who exactly is the World Bank propagandizing to on Twitter?
Why was the World Bank advertising on Twitter (or anywhere) in the first place?
Separating the trimmings from the rest of the waste isn’t the only thing that requires effort. I presume that the management doesn’t want to give ordinary employees the authority to just give stuff away, which makes sense. Even if it isn’t a problem in this specific case, it can be a problem because employees won’t always be knowledgeable or honest. Having management review what is being given away involves overhead, and deciding how much to charge you because of that overhead involves more overhead. I probably wouldn’t bother with all that if I ran the supermarket unless I really hated throwing things out, because I would assume you won’t be willing to pay enough to make it worth my time.