Cause we’re small but mighty
Look upon my works ye mighty and despair
Cause we’re small but mighty
I imagine it will get like the expanse
I thought so
Not vaginas just the whole rpg romance
Black short haird women, captioned bigger badder bossier, I’m not sure if they’re taking the piss or genuinely think that’s the best way to go.
I really enjoy Yahtzees videos, but it is weird be fixated entirely on the rpg sex. But that is what makes his reviews great, they’re different.
Im Australian aboriginal and it was the Nazis.
The world didnt come together to stop the British.
Yeah heavy diesel plant mechanic though, think excavators haul trucks cranes and machinery. My personal car can give flash codes so no need for an obd acanner and i dont work on other people’s car because fuck cars haha small painful shit
The Haynes manual for your car. Even if you’re not a mechanic they are so detailed they will walk you through fixing almost anything, they’re made for the laymen. I’m a diesel mechanic and even i own one for my cars.
When friends buy a new car i buy them a Haynes manual.
They don’t do them for ever single car in the world and the coverage isn’t as great on later model stuff but if you own s car 5 years or more old they’re great.
My best stud finder is my wife. She found me.
Im a mechanic and own all ofnthese apart from the obd scanner, but my personal land cruiser produces flash codes along with my motorbikes.
But this is certainly a great list
An xcreet
I love mashed potatoes,
I’ve recently started adding a couple tablespoons of this chilli oil thing into it. Its awesome
Man i would kill to have my wife make me lunches like this.
I don’t even know what a pcm is. This just made me laugh
Haha that got me so good
Everyone learns maths.
Everyone should know maths.
My mate has this tattooed on his thigh, I’ve no idea why.
Yeah everyone smoking vapes cough so much more. Back in the day young people didnt cough from smoking only older people. Now vapes everyone is coughing.
I love qualifiers and how detailed they can get.