It also helps if you have a very specific and narrow cause … muh guns rights … and anti or pro specific legislation. This creates broad consensus… that follows the NRA draft talking points they usually bring out.
Quak, Quak, quuaakk
It also helps if you have a very specific and narrow cause … muh guns rights … and anti or pro specific legislation. This creates broad consensus… that follows the NRA draft talking points they usually bring out.
Yeah, Neil saying that Elon is not a god genius pushing the boundaries of space, but instead finally getting commercial viability for stuff NASA did decades ago means he’s a target.
Any sane person needs to GTFO out of Florida anyway. The weather is only going to get more extreme and so are the christo fascists.
Or in locations people don’t want to live… cause no jobs, or other reasons.
Why? The whole “illegals are voting” will be dead in the water. And requiring someone to be able to ID themselves using a government issued and official ID when performing stuff like voting is not weird. The whole convoluted show up with birth certificate yadda yadda is.
Yeah. It’s also not as if doing this now will be reasonable. It will be something that needs to be put into law including the affordable national ID and then worked towards over the course of a decade or something.
Yeah but we have voter id. And for some reason Americans think it is unreasonable to have to have a government issued ID as this would disenfranchise all the people that don’t have an ID… Which I think is also weird. Just make IDs accessible to citizens at low costs and implement voterID across the board.
I know… but plenty of writers of articles seem to use the term gamers to identify everyone that plays any game… so of you don’t identify your target audience good enough you run the risk of making something that on paper will appeal to everyone but in practice to no one.
And also successes of iterative games like fifa run on the fact that real world changes to for example teams players are in drive sales… Because the player base is invested in the real world sport… so they want this year’s game because now the players shifted teams. But a new iteration of other games will not have that external pull.
Well, gamers includes anyone sliding their finger on a phone screen now playing Farmville and stuff…and that is a looooooot of people. So that moves the needle on the average gamer a lot towards that end. And I think there is limited overlap between the people that use it as a time suck and the people that sit down and turn on their console/pc to play a game as a hobby.
So if the MBAs looked at statistics too much… you also get a warped idea.
It seems that stuff that gets people most excited are the inspired games made by creative people because they had a vision for their game…
They can turn off the game when they choose to.
Google has to allow users to separate accounts on their services. It’s probably a popup that asks if you want to keep it all in one account or use a separate account for YouTube.
Or rooms of old people all sucked into their screen not talking to eachother
Mobile games are (mostly) pretty linear micro transaction hellscapes. But that is my opinion.
And I fully agree they (mobile games) have their market, which is fine for the people that play them. People can sit on the couch or on their commute and play some levels and spend the time.
The PC and console games are much more complex to create and draw in a completely different player base. It is more of a destination sort of speak.
Tossing these 2 on one pile means it is less clear how each of the markets are developing.
Yeah the conflation of mobile gaming with PC and console gaming is just bad. I don’t know how the cut should be made tbh but this seems silly.
On the other side, more and more midlife+ in online games like Helldivers, cod and such.
Star Citizen has entered the chat…
This! I don’t understand this whole schtick… as doing it on the background is probably just as easy. The problem for Sony is that this is considered PII as it is unique to a human being meaning in the EU it can only be processed for a good and explicit reason or with voluntary consent.
Now using the argument it is required in order to provide the service might work… but then they (Sony) cannot use it for anything else without exposing them to liability of fines at a percentage or global revenue.
Ha! I also turned off cross play as the function was nothing but causing me issues. Never looked back.
Can you help me understand what the first 6 questions have to do with the survey subject of moderation? They seem to collect personal information without direct bearing on anything.
A trillion dollar company using your product in one of their flagship products without a support contract can fuck right off.
Microsoft should be putting up money via the support contract to support the creators in maintaining and further development of their product.
A one off payment might be technically sufficient, it is not ethically or morally sufficient. And to put it in terms shareholders understand… support contract is cheaper than the cost of an alternative.
Corporate fines should be GDPR style… a percentage of global revenue.