Thanks. This is helpful
Nice joke. That is clever
I have been using whatsapp for a long time. No onle has tried to scam me. Only received some spam or promotional materials.
Telegram is full of spammers. More than whatsapp. I
It doesn’t work automatically.
Go to a youtube video There is an option to view the transcript of the video near to the description in three dot menu Copy the transcription and paste it into chatgpt.
Debian has gotten so much easier to install since the release of bookworm, so I wouldn’ t be surprised more new users show interest to try it out.
fixed typo
But seriously, the website does need a revamp.
Look at the linux mint website, it is so clean, modern and easy to use.
I remember reading a comment on youtube on another video which mentioned that the download page is an IQ test to determine if a user is worthy of using Debian.
The downloader page has improved after the release of bookworm
Yeah, i also saw this in some lifehack video
Yes, I am using nano currently.
But i would like to learn Vi or vim
I also switched to linux after using windows for more than 10 years. I still havent gotten used to linux yet. There are still a lot of things I struggle with.
I kind of had difficulty setting up my printer, I tried to install the HP drivers but it did not install. But none of this installation was required because linux supports driverless printing throught the cups service which I wish I knew earlier.
Another is the use of vi text editor, I couldn’ t figure out how to even edit the file and save the file🤣.
Yeah many more examples. It is a bumpy ride. But it is all worth it.
So are there any laptops or computers using RISC? First time hearing about this. (edit: fixed typo)
I use debian with flatpaks. It is good enough for me. I like it and I am gonna keep using it.
Thanks. Yes I am trying to eat.
Tutanota has limited features and i dont like the UI. But it is okay.
Try to go for protonmail
What is the advantage of self hosting an NTP server?
After all, it just tells time
I have exams coming in five days. As the exams get near, i really get stressed. I often dont even eat anything and get less sleep.
I ike konsole