And downright shallow as well!
Doesn’t exist in German? What about “Frohes Schaffen”?
Sorry if I was wrong about the prevalence of such protections. My perception may be biased because the notebooks used by our company are all equipped with a switch or shutter of some sort. (HP brand, IIRC) Regarding your second point, however: surely a shutter physically obscuring the camera lens is just as effective as disconnecting the camera when it comes to protecting the user’s privacy?
They often come equipped with a privacy slider to cover the lens. Or you can just put a sticker on them.
How has nobody mentioned Girls Just Wanna Have Fun yet? That bubbly energy is a great pick-me-up whenever you need it most.
Ah yes, that probably showed my age right there. The Duke was the nickname of John Wayne, who died of cancer in 1979.
I learned a few years ago that the Duke is, in fact, not frozen waiting to be resuscitated. Of course I only learned this after arguing with my prof in film class about it. Classic urban legend. Now I’m worried about any other hoaxes I might have absorbed in the pre-Internet years. At least I know that the Glomar Explorer was not looking for manganese nodules.
IDK why people are downvoting my post. That’s literally what that is.
I visited a talk with Peter Singer in Washington, D.C. a few years ago where people applauded a guy who had considered joining an NGO and decided to become an investment broker and donate to Effective Altruism instead. 🤔
All the people complaining must not be using verbatim search (in search tools, toggle from “all results.”)
I was actually just thinking they should do this as an interim solution and then make optimized LODs to replace the automatic ones with. In fact, perhaps that would have been the thing to do instead of making advance apologies. Slightly suboptimal image quality at release would probably have been more tolerable than heinously bad performance.
Maybe CO should just straight up hire Mr. Huhtala if they lack the in-house acumen to produce the insights he provides in this outstanding article. That said, they might already know everything he describes in his blog post and might simply have run out of time to implement the improvements. In that case, the likely culprit would be pressures from management and/or the publisher to release now, ahead of the important Christmas season. Whatever the case may be, delaying the game would have been the right call. I remain cautiously optimistic but will keep waiting to purchase the game.
Good thing I upgraded my setup not too long ago. But I’m gonna hold off on the purchase, for a few months anyway. Wait out the first few patches and mods that will truly push the game to the next level. I like the things I’ve seen and trust in their long term commitment to the game but experience tells me it’s not going to be all it could be straight away.
Thank you for your response, but I was thinking more about the desktop implementations. Resolution is fine on my phone but I would like to max out my 37" WQHD screen.
That’s a great change which I would love to see implemented everywhere. I just hate having to bike near heavy traffic.
I’m not seeing a lot of mentions of nipples here. So for me, size is pretty much secondary. Nice, prominent nipples are sure to get my attention, though.