This may seem basic, but I think some people really need it. I have a hard time remembering things like birthdays and such. So I make sure to add people’s birthdays into their contact info on my phone. Then it will show up on my calendar as a different color and I can see it coming up and actively try to be on top of it instead of it passing and feeling guilty for forgetting. Maybe you don’t care about everyone’s birthday in your life, but I at least try to add my friends and family so I can reach out to them or try to remember to send a gift to little ones that are far away, etc.
I didn’t interpret this as it’s bad to make people come to the office that physically need to be there or that it’s judging them for not taking PTO. I interpreted this as a cringe showboat where they try to show how cool it is to be in the office and everyone should love being in the office. The commentnand response at the bottom about the open floorplan say it all.