Yea im pretty sure flatpak suports bundles that you can install directly, just like an appimage
Tech Dude // Linux Infrastructure Admin // Automation Nut // Privacy Advocate
Yea im pretty sure flatpak suports bundles that you can install directly, just like an appimage
If OP is a journalist or refugee at risk of being targeted and killed, my advice is don’t use a VPN, use TOR lol.
Not untrue, and I don’t think that the possibility should be glossed over, but honestly, what do you think is more likely: this specific person getting specifically MitM’ed by a bad actor, or a bad actor taking control of a repo that hundreds of people blindly trust. I have a sneaking suspicion that OP’s threat model isn’t sophisticated enough to need to really, truly, be worrying about that.
What are you on about? If you are using the 3rd party repo, you are just as likely to get malware than if you download the deb directly from the wbsite. Its literally the same thing, just adding the repo means that the malware could get installed automatically and without you knowing where it came from.
Exactly! 3d printing has been the glue for a lot of my hobbies. Ill find that tos and stuff i buy for one thing will eventually make a different hobby i have easier to get into. It helps me swallow the “ADHD Tax” on hobby jumping lol.
You should! Its a ton of fun, plently of places to play online. Unfortunetly in person play seems to still be recovering post-COVID in a lot of places, so it can be tough to play in person.
I am definitely someone whos hobby is exploring hobbies, but these are the ones that ive circled back around to:
Gaming, Programming, Go (an abstract strategy game similar to chess), 3D Art (Blender), DnD, and Warhammer 40k
As another Certified Hobby Jumper… i feel you. I like to frame it as exploring hobbies is one of my hobbies :) lol. Getting into something new is a ton of fun, even if it doesnt last.
I just had to switch my work computer from Arch to Ubuntu becusse they want MDM on all computers now, and flatpaks are litetally the only reason i can tolerate it.
I now prioritise getting stuff from flatpaks, then the repos, and if they dont exist i use Distrobox to export any app thats only on the AUR for example.
Just setup cert-manager for a client at our work thats moving to a Kubernetes cluster. Setup the ACME issuer using DNS Cloudflare challenges, its awesome how simple it is to even get internal hostnames with certs.
Its worth noting, you cant actually MITM most traffic without device acess. To MITM my lemmy traffic, you would need either a copy of the certificate and private key of for example, which they would never willingly provide, or you would need to get a valid certificate from a CA for, which you could never get without verifying ownership of the domain.
If you are using a company owned device to browse Lemmy, then 100% they can very easily install a custom Root CA and make their own certificates, and you should assume all your traffic is monitored. But if they allow BYOB or for your phone to be on the network, then they would be unable to see that traffic without you being able to tell, because you would get certificate errors.
But if they allow you to install a VPN, then just use TOR with a TOR bridge and you wouldnt have issues, because they cant tell its VPN / TOR traffic akaik
For real. Crowdsec, a crowd sourced blocklist / basic IPS system doesnt really have a living forum. You ask question through unindexable discord threads… so often times I cant just google an issue i am having with the app. I have to open up my damn Discord account while at work to get answers.
Its awful. is the place to play online for beginners. Its got apps for ios and android, and its web interface is quite nice. They also have some training stuff on there!
Can confirm, grew beard during lockdown, never went back!