I got no problem with this. In the near term, I see no way to pay for journalism otherwise. Email addresses seem like a really short term solution to the AI problem, though.
I got no problem with this. In the near term, I see no way to pay for journalism otherwise. Email addresses seem like a really short term solution to the AI problem, though.
That first paragraph…z then you really took off. lol
Playing Dredge. Love it. Very entertaining change of pace.
One whole row for one subject!
Solid meme; but the better part of that post is the headline.
I’ll beach-off you and your friend.
The look on those kids faces. They dont know the word ‘fuuuuuuuuck’, but they know the feeling.
Definitely suspicious. Monsters who make that salad must be dealt with swiftly.
“Rock and stone!!!”
Memmy, ftw. Loving this mobile client
You are clearly not a body builder. Grape cigarillos are the secret weapon to battle squishy abs.
“Our technology is soooo jaw droppingly powerful, we must warn the public!” It just seems a little self serving. ‘Critihype’ (Motherboard?) was a term I heard recently that sums this up nicely.
Isn’t that what most small business owners go through? My brother and his wife own a business and they hustle waaaay more than I need to as an employee of a large business with all the HR, retirement etc baked in. I don’t think they went net positive for like 4-5 years.