“oh no … Anyway”
“oh no … Anyway”
Seriously, it’s fucked.
Appreciate you replying.
I have actually tried this in the past. It’s not that simple. Reddit uses a combination of IP, MAC, device, as well as other data to know who you are.
I got someone else to post there for me, and it was removed because they didn’t have enough karma.
Its fine. We’ve managed to raised £2,125 so far and we still have 24-36 hours to keep going.
We’ve got good momentum and people are good. I believe.
We might have made a mistake somewhere, as the r/assistance post was removed. Also r/cats and r/aww don’t allow GoFundMe posts. She’s going to r/GoFundMe next.
Good news though, we’re just about to surpass £2k!
Thanks again Cujo.
Really appreciate your response Cujo, thank you. I’ve asked my partner to post over on reddit and she’s posted it to r/assistance. I’ll ask her to reach out to the mods of r/aww and r/cats too.
I really appreciate that, thank you. I will get right on it.
Hey I appreciate you following up, and you’re right. For what it’s worth, we’ve not had a lot of sleep lately and we’re kinda burnt out by all this. Crying kinda takes it outta you, you know?
I’m going to ask my friend to post for me, is assistance the best place?
What would they need in order to get it posted? Can they just link the GoFundMe page?
I appreciate you leaving it up. I’m just trying to do the right thing by my boy. Sorry if I broke a rule somewhere. I haven’t really slept a great deal lately.
No no, that’s not what I’m saying at all.
I loved reddit. I still love what reddit was. My reason for not doing this there is explained in a reply to another comment, but short version is I can’t post there and haven’t been able to for years.
Now I’m on Lemmy, I’m more inclined to spend time working out how best to get traction here than I am to try to get back on reddit after being suspended years ago.
Sorry if that came across like I’m being anti-reddit, there’s more to it and I’m just trying to reply to everything I’ve got going on as quickly as I can, across multiple platforms.
Ok let me clarify:
I replied to a post about Nazis with something very anti-Nazi (you know, because nazis = bad, right?).
I was suspended for that reply, and I circumvented the suspension by using another account, resulting in permanent suspension/ban. It was a long time ago and I would definitely do things differently now.
Of course I’m not suggesting my opinion on reddit is more important than my boy, I just don’t have the means to post there, and I’m certainly not about to figure out how to get a new account set up without getting stung for more circumvention.
I really appreciate it, thank you so much.
Reddit isn’t somewhere I’m prepared to return to, but I don’t want to get into why just now.
For now, I seem to be getting some positive responses from Lemmy and mastodon, as well as my friends and family that we’ve asked to share on their Facebook pages.
That’s logical, but I have my reasons for staying well away from reddit forever. I have no intention of going back, and between this and my posts on mastodon, I seem to be getting somewhere.
That’s the kind of thing I was hoping to find, but I didn’t have much luck.
Lemmy is still young, so it’s understandable that it doesn’t yet have the infrastructure, but maybe this could prompt us to do something like that?
I absolutely agree that such a forum needs moderation to avoid abuse. Where I’ve been asked, I’ve provided what I can to back up what I’m claiming.
This is the internet though, so I get it. I’m just trying to do what’s best for my boy.
Right? Initially I figured this might be a mod, but it just seems like someone who wants to moan at someone for posting something they don’t like.
If only they could do something to view something else, and get on with their day. Like, I dunno, maybe scroll past?
Your comments are really kind, and today, that means a lot.
Thank you.
I really love what Lemmy is becoming, and sure, if this prompts discussion around what’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ to post, then I’m happy to be a part of it.
I hope that my boy can feature in future posts.
I’ve posted it in a few places, and we’re seeing a steady uptick in donations.
To be clear though, I’m not expecting donations from my posts, but even just a reshare is appreciated.
I appreciate you replying though, thank you.
For what it’s worth, I appreciate you replying.
This is a living nightmare for us and we’re doing whatever we can to save our baby.
Thank you for your comment.
Where do you recommend?
Rocket didn’t die.