Haha I had to Google ris, congratulations on being it
Haha I had to Google ris, congratulations on being it
That sounds great I’m glad you had a good time
That’s great news!
OK no spoilers but how does it measure up to season 1?
I’m going on holiday! I can’t fucking wait
I LOVE that show. I watched it a few months ago it has so many layers. I can’t wait to binge season 2.
Oooh nice one. Bonus points if it’s a dirty strap.
Plus I doubt he ever accepts being wrong
Mate this is helpful 😊
That’s great! What music are you into?
Oh that is a BEAUTY
Yep plus if you take your phone out you leave yourself vulnerable to being robbed.
I tend to read guardian too but so much of it is bullshit now. I’ve seen loads where they’ve misrepresented information, used melodramatic language and been horribly skewed. It’s not what it used to be.
Absolutely! With great power comes great responsibility