I’m surprised by this decision, since Ubuntu’s strength is stability and by extension, friendliness to new users. Imo, a better move would be to ship a separate “unstable” release with non-LTS kernels.
Have a nice day.
Keyoxide: aspe:keyoxide.org:NGBHBM6PIKZC2Q7CP7RXLKNNQM
I’m surprised by this decision, since Ubuntu’s strength is stability and by extension, friendliness to new users. Imo, a better move would be to ship a separate “unstable” release with non-LTS kernels.
A concern of mine is the increasing prevalence of natural disastors as global warming worsens. Our plant and storage location may be safe now but natural disasters will be way worse and in unexpected locations as we’re already seeing.
Share your alternative stack … 321GO!
That’s donating to your Lemmy server, not the development of Lemmy itself. Which is totally cool and I commend you for it.
Open Collective allows one time donations.
You can also make a donation on Liberapay and then it’s very easy to cancel it after the first payment so it doesn’t recur.
What is the benefit of this over archive.org (which also offers torrenting)?
You can use exiftool if you’re on Linux to read the metadata to see if there’s anything concerning:
exiftool /tmp/my_video.mp4
Follow-up question: what open source software projects do you contribute to? I like using Liberapay or Open Collective, with Patreon as a third choice.
At least for platforms like YouTube, creators are making $0 unless they have a ton of watch ours and subscribers and can be monetized.
Most install guides include pihole with Unbound DNS but running your own DNS server is not a requirement for ad and tracker blocking.
UBlock is awesome. Pihole only really breaks if you add too many or too aggressive blocklists. The main benefit of pihole is you can block ads and trackers from any device on your network. I find the biggest offenders to be smart devices.
Thanks for catching that. I have updated the description.
Yes! They also have a bridge for Thunderbird.
Anakin getting an MBA.
I’ve gotten around this with TCP:443 as they usually just expect UDP.
Likewise :)
And patreon/liberapay for creators and journalists I enjoy.