Everyone in here sleeping on pocket city 1 and 2. 1 is free w/ads or 2.99 and 2 is 4.99
Everyone in here sleeping on pocket city 1 and 2. 1 is free w/ads or 2.99 and 2 is 4.99
More like if the room is lit its “normal.” That seems to be how people see it, being “persecuted” becauae they cant be normal and call others abnormal
Nobody renamed anything, we just called it what it was more concisely than just saying “normal” lol
Fuck you and this mindset, I’ve been building on this “model” for years and even in the best of times it’s a crapshoot. My life has been rocketing past me despite the years of skills and experience i have built. NO ONE should need a second job to survive and it is shit even as a bandaid. These jobs are not transitionary jobs for too many people who have children and dont get any healthcare, for too many that can Barely afford a decent life. These are real fucking jobs that deserve compensation.
So once again fuck you for intimating that these people are unskilled or worth less for their work. Fuck you for trying to normalize the working class having to double their shifts to survive. As an educated and experienced person who has struggled, fuck you
Yo i never knew and i wear bandanas all the time! Been calling it paisley generically for years, Thanks for the link