Thx. Fixed. Posted this while multi-tasking.
Thx. Fixed. Posted this while multi-tasking.
Fighting fascism is timeless.
I browsed through it and most of it is still applicable.
Thanks for the comment. It clued me in to the fact that the thumbnail image I uploaded replaced the link I had to the manual at gutenberg.org. It’s fixed now. No IP tracking from Gutenberg.
Also should point out that we’re moving into a political climate in the U.S. where everyone should have a VPN and use it whenever possible.
Trump won and the amount of people here throwing the Nazi word around still don’t realise how self defeating they are.
Sometimes you have to call Nazis Nazis. And people who support Nazis are Nazis. And sometimes you can’t deprogram a Nazi.
These aren’t victims. They’re intentionally malicious people.
I have the urge to help victims. I have another urge entirely in regards to Nazis.
You don’t.
A large swath of Americans have made it clear they don’t care to pay attention and won’t care until it personally affects them.
So we’re simply going to have to watch our nation decline until the majority of Americans have personally been affected. Then we’ll begin a long, difficult path to gaining back what we lost, just to get back to where we were before the decline happened. Then we’ll be happy to be back in the same shitty situation we were before and probably let things slide back into a decline again.
Americans are stupid. And there’s nothing you can do to change that.
Conservatives aren’t suffering
They are, they just aren’t aware they are, so in a way they’re not.
Travel around the U.S. A lot of conservative America looks like a 3rd world country. They suffer. They just aren’t aware, because they don’t travel. They don’t expand their perspective through knowledge. Rural conservatives will arguably suffer more than any other group under conservative leadership. But ignorance is bliss.
He thought he was doing something but I don’t think he was aiming for nazi salute.
He did it more than once.
He did it exactly like Nazis did it.
Once to the crowd. Turn around and once more to the Fuhrer or Nazi flag.
You don’t need to make excuses. He did it.
We’re cooked guys.
Buy a gun.
Lot of businesses backed up Hitler and his Nazis too.
A lot of them even came out of that whole situation in pretty good shape.
Lol. They don’t think white supremacy is bad.
But the talking head on Fox told me what to think about socialism, using no facts or common sense.
What am I supposed to do? NOT believe them?
As someone who doesn’t like stealth games, I like being able to play a first person Indiana Jones game where the stealth isn’t punishing.
I still get caught by the officers who can see through your disguise. I run away. The alert level goes down. Whatever. I don’t need it to be punishing.
Cool story. Where is Half-Life 3?
Hey moneybags Gabe…where is Half-Life 3?
Christian Rock
Won’t happen until we legislate companies from contributing to electoral candidates and severely limit the amount an individual can contribute.
Which won’t happen.
So we’re basically done for.
Yup. Peaceful protest doesn’t register to rich people. They can’t hear it over the clinking sounds of their champagne glasses as they toast their profit margins.
Oh man. Finding porno mags in bushes as a kid was like finding buried treasure. Especially if the pages weren’t sticky.
Cable television.
Every time I visit my mom she has it on and I can’t believe I spent an entire childhood putting up with that shit. I can’t even watch it while I’m there. Too frustrating.
There are sane people out there?
Definitely not in America.
I remember liking it, but it’s been, what, 20 years?