Kernel level anti cheat is still bypassed so why do so many people just accept a literal ring-0 rootkit if it doesn’t even axcomplish its intended goal?
Kernel level anti cheat is still bypassed so why do so many people just accept a literal ring-0 rootkit if it doesn’t even axcomplish its intended goal?
Have you even seen the reviews console gamers leave on games??
Didn’t necessarily mean the files but the service as a whole
Not that wild considering they know it is.
Most Lemmy servers don’t relentlessly track and sell everything you do though. Discord makes way more money off your data than it costs them to host.
What does Firewalk studios and PlayStation publishing have to do with Avalanche and WB?
Sounds like an addiction tbh
Why are you still using reddit
Thats easy to do when you have a monetary safety net to fall back on
They provide upfront funding and marketing to projects that otherwise wouldn’t be viable
Thats like game dev 101, don’t tie shit to framerate and they still fuck it up
Well that’d do it, what are you doing slumming it with us normies
Its funny because it’s still buggy lol
try harder, if you do it right you’ll achieve nirvana
I feel no sympathy for idiots who pay for “early” access for games like this.
You kinda have to when half of your “team” is barely even able to write code.
CS students
Even if it says it’s washed, wash it anyways. Starches rub off from the grains moving against each other in the bag.