Wonder how this would compare to moonlight + sunshine combo.
Wonder how this would compare to moonlight + sunshine combo.
Who do you think uses Lemmy in the first place? Normal users or pirates? This is not a shift of gears that will get the advertisers flocking, and this will not suddenly open the doors to the hidden cache of users that were not around because of “pirates.” Not to mention, instead of this action, what should have been done is to warn the instances and ask them to follow the rules they had on Reddit, where users are not allowed to link to pirate sites.
WTF am I reading?
Well they can keep to themselves. But are they trying to be the Amish of Lemmy or a large scale version of r/historians?
I can’t find this instance on WefWef am I doing something wrong.
You can buy them through telegram channels. But you ought to be very very very careful and pick sellers that have a long record, testimonials, and a semiactive channel. I’ve a seller I’ve been buying from for 4 years recently he’s been selling Adobe subscriptions but I’m still on the edge for that one.
I kinda like it tbh. Until we get OC creators keeping the place lively is key, kudos to op for trying at least. God knows I don’t.
Wait until you hear about the archdemon WefWef.
I’ve been to a strip club and I’ve been to drag shows. They hold similar “performance.”
I know right. Imagine being given “time off,” but that time off is actually watching world cup. To me that would bore me to death. All this forced engagement and fake positivity is annoying.
Why can’t we have pornstars “performance” at work instead of this shit is the real question. Why would anyone care what drag queens, Queers or gay people do anyways, and why should it be done in public eye at all?
What a fucking nightmare.
People fail to understand this. Mods should have just abandoned it, pointing users towards the next new thing. Heck, the only reason I’m using Lemmy right now is due to the Melem iOS beta app, practically a carbon copy of Apollo, and because people have already congregated here. Force isn’t the solution, guiding people is. And we mustn’t forget, piracy never involved obeying rules.
It’s still a safer bet to avoid whatever they consult on, they’ve an eye for trash writing and they thrive on “fixing” that. And companies that hire them are just out there to make a quick buck rather than creating a good story, experience or game.