Ah yes, the high road, the best know cure for and deterrent of fascism… 🙄
My alt for DessertStorms@kbin.social
Ah yes, the high road, the best know cure for and deterrent of fascism… 🙄
further incite the right, convince them that they are fighting the holy fight, and accelerate violence against the citizenry?
Literally already happening.
How anyone can think that rolling over and playing dead while fascists stomp their way in to (more) power is a better way to “fight” them, than, I don’t know, actually fighting them, is honestly mind blowing.
Check your privilege, the fact that you aren’t impacted by their ongoing war, doesn’t mean no one else is.
Depression and mental illness leads some to want to go with a bang
No, they really fucking don’t, privilege and the sense of entitlement it gives do.
Like seriously, beyond the bullshit that is scapegoating mental illness because it’s easier than facing reality, that’s literally not how depression works, nor “mental illness” in general, especially when you consider that mentally ill people are significantly more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrate it.
Stop perpetuating this lazy counterproductive bullshit.
I chose to believe he is being honest about why he cancelled the tour, and it wasn’t because “I agree with my buddy, and we’re going to stay out of the limelight for a short minute to stay safe”, but because “my buddy wants a fascist dead, and I can’t be seen to agree”.
I also find it fucking hilarious that people seriously think anyone is going to target this guy (or that he doesn’t already have/ can’t afford security), when there are significantly bigger targets out ther.
I can understand a minimum wage worker not risking their livelihood over expressing antifascist sentiment in the workplace, but that doesn’t apply to a well known multi-millionaire with a large global platform.
He is saying loud and clear - his millions and his fame, only one of which he is at risk of losing over expressing his opinion (E: and even then, he’d get plenty of notoriety to replace it if he actually found some self respect), are more important to him than taking a stand against fascism.
This may sound weird
We should absolutely normalise thanking those who work to produce our food.
Ha, it’s your cake day today…
Ideally they’re being safe and watching out for you, but don’t gamble on it
Also, accidents just happen - people have heart attacks, strokes, seizures, machines malfunction, all sorts of shit can suddenly happen that is out of anyone’s control, so even if someone is being safe and watching out for you, it isn’t worth the gamble…
This is evil
(not exactly the same noise but can be used to the same effect)
Alternatively - hand farts for the times it’s too hot to want to stick a hand in your armpit lol
How do you deal with external problems you can’t solve around you? What is the moral thing to do here?
You don’t, you deal with your internal problems, like classism, ableism, and general ignorance of these people’s circumstances. Instead take the time to understand, learn empathy, show compassion and solidarity, instead of disdain. You don’t have to give people money you don’t have, but the least you can do is show them basic respect (no, homeless people aren’t all alcoholics or addicts, but many of those who do drink or use drugs do so to try and ease the deep distress of being homeless. And no, homeless people aren’t dangerous, those who create a society where they have to exist to keep people like you in line, are). (Edit to clarify: once you care about homeless people, rather than fear and/or look down at them, and understand the many reasons that lead to homelessness, you’d be equipped to actually tackle the systemic issues, but you can’t do that if you refuse to see them)
You are literally a blink of an eye away from being in their shoes, act like it.
What’s next? World War III?
Already in the works… 😬
The soundtrack for the first one was a banger, too…
I don’t think the aggression was warranted or helpful, and only served to stagnate the discussion.
Lmfao, whatever makes you feel better and not have to confront realities that make you uncomfortable… 🙄
(E: realities that you actively contribute to by tone policing, and framing and dismissing people whose rights, and lives, are being abused and put at risk as “aggressive”, which is a classic and well documented silencing tactic, whether you knew you were doing it or not. You also literally contributed nothing to the conversation. So basically your entire reply is one big projection, almost impressive)
This is like reading a reverse horoscope - you’ve just thrown as many negative traits as you could think of at the wall, knowing at least a few will stick.
Nothing on your list couldn’t also apply to an adult, especially those most privileged and entitled in society.
To add to the extensive information you’ve already been given, I would highly recommend the Anarchist FAQ, which is all good, but specifically section J breaks down the “what can we do about it” part.
The anarchist Library in general is a fantastic resource, another good place to start might be David Graeber’s Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You! or Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid.
Happy exploring!
Hopefully the UKs situation improves from the past 14-15 years of the Tories rule
This is all the confirmation it takes. You’re close, but if you still think Starmer’s Labour is going to change anything fundamental about how things are run, you’ve not been paying attention.
Lmmfao, ok, if we’re going for context, you’ve managed to conveniently leave out a massive bit of it - that Sir Starmer, the current Labour leader and as much a part of the establishment as any Tori politician is, has not only publicly declared transphobic shit like men = penis woman = vagina, but is now also taking advice from Joanne herself, after she called him out for not being a big enough terf, and he in turn and without even blinking, willingly obliged to prove her wrong (and that he aspires to be just as prolific a transphobe as she is).
The idea that only Tories are responsible for the institutionalised transphobia in this country, and that blue Labour is going to do anything but continue toeing exactly the same line, is not only laughable, but glaringly and wilfully ignorant.
So yeah…
you’ve not been paying attention…
If you think those in power in the UK, widely known as TERF island, aren’t deliberately and actively trying to harm trans people (among others), you’ve not been paying attention,.
Though an “it” at the end of that sentence would have gone a long way to reduce my initial confusion lmao😂
To toss off