I haven’t tried it but it can theoretically support webdav. You can also mount it read only via fuse with a bit of effort.
Those are both on my list of things to experiment with. I love the speed but I miss the real files of NextCloud.
I haven’t tried it but it can theoretically support webdav. You can also mount it read only via fuse with a bit of effort.
Those are both on my list of things to experiment with. I love the speed but I miss the real files of NextCloud.
Internet.bs because it’s cheap and had a cctld I wanted
Taco/nacho meat is the one that comes to mind. I use it in other things as well but my mind has very helpfully gone blank…
Cinnamon. Goes well with more savory things than I ever expected.
This is what I do. DAVx5 works well as long as you’re ok withiut realtime sync (you can pick how fast you want it). I would love to see Fastmail build the support I to their own app but that’s not where we’re at.
“Presentation!” is a regular reference in our lives.
I’m also using Dozzle and it’s been great for semi realtime use. I occasionally think about something for longer term logs but haven’t yet had the motivation.
I have two libraries for movies because my home theater can let 4k + HDR shine while my Internet connection doesn’t have the upload to send that to family. They get stuck with 1080 and have never complained. My server has the power to transcode on the fly but for now I have the free space to keep both.
TV is almost entirely 1080 unless there is a super good reason to upgrade past that. I’m not actually sure if I’ve ever done that.
Did you try flipping the cable over? Some of the ports or cables that use USB C are super cheaply made and get rid of the flippability.
Which is part of the problem…
I also seem to be a member of the ancient society of log readers.
I really don’t understand why membership is so exclusive. Deciphering log messages isn’t always super easy but it usually isn’t too bad.
Vivaldi seems to be one of the least bad options.
This is what I do. I ran into issues with monitoring too many services so I switched to a hybrid approach. I run an instance in my server that check the status of all my services and a separate instance in Fly.io that checks the status of my local UptimeKuma install
Also not really a solution but Dozzle has been awesome for making viewing live container logs easier
The caching is a feature built into unRAID (which is the server OS I run. It’s not free but it’s a lifetime license for a super reasonable price. https://unraid.net/
I store pretty much everything unless there is no chance for reuse. My current setup is a 4u unRAID server with 108TB of double parity protected storage (plus 2 2TB NVME drives in raid 1 for cache).
Out of curiosity, why cant you use a wildcard?