How is this any different than fraudster Trevor Milton of Nikola showing footage of Nikola vehicles using gravity to go downhill, but pretending that they were a functioning concept and running on their own power?
”Probably in a couple of weeks… looking into it… [insert generic platitude…]”
Don Jr. is severely addled on cocaine, and Daddy is his meal ticket
Eric is too stupid to understand anything and even if he did, Daddy is his meal ticket
Ivanka has Jared and they are now sitting on $2 BILLION ill gained Saudi dollars— they don’t need disposable dotard Donald any more
What a weird old man.
Currently the oldest candidate to run for President.
Extremely impressive
Boy, it would be terrible if his nickname became
You know it’s AI because the hat isn’t on backwards this time
The Josh Hawley fist pump is often exhibited by cowards under duress
Good. Good. Let the hatred flow.
Guaranteed they don’t want Kamala though
Luckily he was on the ground floor
Barely broke the blubber
The $upreme Corp.
Nayeth, though thou hath thoroughly thought thots through.
Jesus Christ NBC is so out of touch. National Boomer Corporation 🦚