Who said anything about Trump besides you?
I swear, libs make up their own narrative to punch left regardless of what Leftists do.
Who said anything about Trump besides you?
I swear, libs make up their own narrative to punch left regardless of what Leftists do.
I have never and will never give the slightest fuck about Hunter Biden.
I hate that everyone has just given Diamond Joe a pass for pulling an RBG to hand the country back to Trump. Whatever else Democrats might have done differently, the single biggest campaign mistake is that the Cryptkeeper stomped on our primaries and wouldn’t hand over power until the last minute.
The entire goal of his presidency should have been anointing of a successor. I’m not a huge Kamala fan, but he could have set her up for success instead of waiting. Whoever won real primaries would run a much better general election campaign than Kamala could have this year.
Do you think it’s okay for us to bomb people because I can say on the internet that we shouldn’t bomb people?
China doesn’t call themselves “the leader of the free world” or “a shining city on a hill”. Sure, freedom of speech is generally better in the US than China (but don’t think that nobody ever gets put in jail for criticizing the government.) The fact remains that the US kills a lot of people.
I’m not Chinese. I can’t affect Chinese policy at all. I focus on the US because my voice is supposed to matter here, allegedly.
I get where you’re coming from, but the reason I disagree is because you’re assuming these people are acting in good faith. Why do they need a title?
Queer folk have always used symbols to distinguish ourselves and find others. We’re ~10% of the population and it’s necessary. Straight people do not commonly do so, and 100% of the people who feel the need to wear it like a badge are actually signaling their refusal to let the rest of us exist.
I, for one, would feel perfectly comfortable in an MMO with 90% straight people. (This is just called existing in public.) I would leave immediately if 90% of people wore a “Straight” title for no discernable reason.
That’s not an argument that being filmed at a polling place is dangerous.
I’m not sure a good argument can be made. Being at a polling place doesn’t say who you’re voting for. I don’t see the danger.
Having two different realities is not good. I’m not sure what is to be done about it though. Some people will always choose to believe the easy lie over the difficult truth.
Ignoring Fox and the crazies for a moment, how often have mainstream networks given equal time to climate change deniers and actual scientists, pretending there was a debate where there wasn’t one.
I want to push back a little on “we all agreed on what was and what was not reality.” When there were three TV stations, did any of them highlight police brutality? Overincarceration? The military industrial complex? Anything that would hurt their sponsor’s bottom lines?
The news networks we have today are all owned by large media conglomerates. They range from pro-corporate to pro-fascist. I’m glad that there are enough independent voices that we can hear from people who don’t profit off of the status quo. It’s unfortunate that right wing media is so prevalent and well funded, but if there is an answer to that, it’s not going back to the days when Walter Cronkite, CBS, and Gulf+Western would tell us “That’s the way it is”.
It is more difficult than a few years ago, especially if you don’t want to get sued or get a threatening letter from your ISP.
I would only torrent with a VPN and a private tracker. It’s certainly not difficult to learn, but absolutely requires some small amount of information to acquire.
Because you have Google. I suspect most people know their star sign. (The Chinese Zodiac is something different.) I don’t believe in astrology, but it’s certainly common enough that it seems difficult to avoid learning at some point. If not, you can find out in 30 seconds.
All it is is an abstraction to make it slightly harder for bad actors and computer programs, not an endorsement of astrology.