I don’t know what he was thinking with that. Probably wasn’t.
whenever whenever whenever
I don’t know what he was thinking with that. Probably wasn’t.
This is what happens when you make a good game and continue supporting it. Other devs should be taking notes.
You attempted to manipulate anyone that reads your comments into agreeing with your opinion.
No, I don’t expect people to agree with me. I know my opinion is very unpopular. I don’t care.
I explained why your explanation was wrong. Do you really need me to link to a comment further up this chain?
My opinion is that they are drug addicts. My opinion is also that being a drug addict is not something that should grant someone special privileges. How is that “emotionally manipulative”? I am not manipulating anyone.
No, I don’t expect people to agree with me. I know my opinion is very unpopular. I don’t care.
Who am I manipulating? It’s just my opinion.
It depends on how often they use their drug and how they act about it. If you can’t function and treat people like shit because you haven’t had your coffee/tea yet, you’re a drug addict.
I do agree with OP on the thing about smokers though. You shouldn’t get special privileges just because you’re a drug addict.
They didn’t put the paper towels in the center of the table.
I use FOSS whenever possible.
It’s a shame they never added Guild Wars to Guild Wars 2.
They probably don’t want to learn, so they won’t try to learn how to use Lemmy or Kbin.
It’s probably on purpose. Kotaku encourages pirating Nintendo games. That’s part of why Nintendo blacklisted them.
The Minecraft subreddit isn’t closing, Mojang staff just won’t be posting there anymore.
I definitely agree with you on “character action” but I don’t think it’s the worst. I just call them “action” games.
MOBA, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. That could apply to so many games that are nothing alike, other than having battles in an arena with other players using the internet. Street Fighter, Mainline Pokemon Games, Quake, and Warframe could all fit that genre name but it is not used for any of them.
Should have been a thing since the Wii. It would be cool if Switch games were playable on the next console, too.
They aren’t a secret if she knows how to access the router’s control panel.
It’s not pointless, it’s so they can track you.
what a misnomer too
It’s crazy how many people think “incognito mode” prevents people from seeing what websites they are visiting.
I hope this eventually happens.