If chatgpt was running a sex robot, do you think it’d try some really awkward techniques? I mean porno moves that don’t really happen in real life. How many genitals will be mutilated before we raise up against the machines?
If chatgpt was running a sex robot, do you think it’d try some really awkward techniques? I mean porno moves that don’t really happen in real life. How many genitals will be mutilated before we raise up against the machines?
I love being right, but it’s better when others think so too, lol
Uh oh, my bias is showing again, lol.
Very on-brand. I’ll have to look it up.
Not the genital mutilation, though, that’s Jewish. I never understood why Christians do it. Didn’t Jesus fulfill the law and the prophets? Plus there was a spat over adults converting, but not getting circumcized that was settled on the side of “not required”. I may be remembering it wrong.
I hear you, but gender-bends, when done well can make a reboot feel original again. Katee Sackhoff as Satrbuck is a great example. Now, does Rudi have the range to pull off it off? IDK, but I’d like to see him try.
I’d like to cast Rudi to play the part of Crazy Eyes. I’m sure he’s already pissed on the floor a time or two.
I’d pay to see a perp-walk off of all 19 Georgia defendants
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
We need to work in a fourth, one for each arraignment
It took me three tries. Took it back up during tough times. Found some better ways to cope, mostly Stoicism. I’ve recommended it to at least a dozen others over the years with about 90% success.
All of the American Pie sequels. The first was alright, the rest were meh.
I didn’t see it the first time around. Found it later during a dark time, it was the stupidest thing, it was great, it gave me a reason to laugh
“Everyday is somebody’s first day.” I think of it like a more generous Hanlon’s Razor “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Especially when an employee is perhaps not doing a good job or is slow. If it was my first day on the job, I’d like a little consideration.
Disappointed that it isn’t real