How do you access deleted or never made comments? The local mods are still there.
How do you access deleted or never made comments? The local mods are still there.
As much as I want to agree, there is not a big difference. You can switch to different subreddits the same as instances here. In both cases you will lose out on a lot of stuff and only if lots of people do it would it actually work. But then sometime happens in that new place and another group of people leaves. So you end up with 10 different pockets that are all too small to be relevant… great. You need to compromise is what it boils down to. But how much? Very hard question.
Why use many words when few none do trick?
A threat? How would that be? Not to mention that essentially nobody is like me, so others being different is the absolute norm, the opposite of hard to imagine.
I say that could be sad because not laughing is like nit eating tasty stuff. Not feeling nice things. A whole dimension of positive stuff simply missing. But specifically about the topic of feeling and lack of laughing is, more or less, sadness.
Let alone that you are actively against laughing of others, and that absolutely is sad to me.
The first time I thought you were joking, now I am not sure anymore if you could be a really sad person instead.
You “always” present the nice side to others.
Another OP with some pixelated shait.
You can vote without having 70 % of your feed filled with the fucked up USA politics.
If you can set aside 50 % of your money, you are already independent.
So if the investment is for inflation, what are you going to survive from?
Ooof… Are you feeling better now?
Well for 750 mega liters that seems like a reasonable price. About 28 m³ per unit of money! Buy buy buy!
What exactly do you want to do and how?
“guaranteed victory” in a game that is so much about luck. Sure mate.
“we” as in absolutely not most people.
For simple PC unlocking etc. they are perfectly fine and improve security due to their far higher usability.
The same way 10 key files on 10 different locations combined with this and that are more secure than a simple 60 character password. But the simple password is far more practical, so far more secure overall since people actually use it.
Hahahahaha how can you take anyone like that serious? People really are amazing and considering how many vote for Trump for probably the same basic reason I should absolutely not laugh about this. It is dead serious having to deal with this kind of human behavior.
I pay for “the subscription” and have not used it for anything remotely evil.
Nothing they can do about it!