I’m out of the loop. Any reason given for leaving? I feel like I’ve watched ZP on and off since we got a family computer.
I’m out of the loop. Any reason given for leaving? I feel like I’ve watched ZP on and off since we got a family computer.
Personally I see it as a selling feature knowing that an anime is only going to be one or two cour. I don’t like to watch series that never end so it’s nice knowing that the story has a conclusion.
Saskatchewanians will only allow this if we’re allowed to directly pump oil into it 😂😂😂
Yeah they put the tube in and I woke up 6 hours later. I was literally turned off and on.
From what I hear he is a super great guy so I do wish him all the best.
He’s now going to be a Nintendo Ambassador or something. I wonder if this is just to change the voice of Mario while also effectively retiring him from voice acting so they don’t have Mario voicing Bayonetta in the next game or something.
I wish when governments said they want to be competitive with China they did like the one thing China does that would raise our quality of life. As in make trains.
I go back and forth between playing a lot of handheld and very little handheld. Honestly the screen doesn’t bother me. I’ve had no issues with Nintendo games. I would argue the biggest issue in modern day gaming is the bloody text size of things. I’m trying to play FFXV right now on ps4 and the text is soooo bloody small.
My computer blue screened while reading the post to help keep the secret safe.
If you’re in England look into the Duke of Edinburgh club. It’s an outdoors camping club for youth. You should be able to find a packing list and it will have food suggestions.
No it was also annoying because mini fridges only fit 6 packs.
This movie perfectly demonstrated being a dude. All the Kens becoming day drinking degenerates without Barbie around is literally what I did last weekend when my girlfriend went to a wedding.
Everything is sp bloody expensive now he probably needs it.
Keep fighting the vegan fight. So many people want to change the world until they have to change the most minor thing in their own life.
I teach social studies and I always teach about Kilroy when talking about the war. The kids love learning about essentially prehistoric (in their eyes) memes.
Wait!? Gates McFadden like Dr. Crusher?
So you’re saying to count as an active user I need to post or comment?
I tried connect but it won’t let me sign in.
Out of curiosity, how does one find this so called “anime porn”?