I think it is common enough in life to police it everywhere.
I think it is common enough in life to police it everywhere.
Sorry. I stand corrected. I only looked at the title when I made that comment.
I’m not in the habit of stalking a poster’s history before making a reply. But I looked at OPs profile to confirm what you said. They posted that they want to speak better. They edited the post to say girls instead of females. We can get into the problem of referring to adult women as girls but for now I’ll just accept that they saw that there was a need to use anything other than female as a win.
There are people that use females in all contexts. They use it when women would work better. They mix it with “men”. They do not use it in the same context that they would use male. And they use it in a derogatory way.
You gets it
You are going to the wrong parties
Could be worse. It could be a Cisco WS-C3650 series switch.
Student brought Madonna’s Sex book to school. Made it on one of the evening tabloid shows. Tossed small rodents into the open windows of passing cars. Sodomized baseball players with broom handle. Checked girls underwear on the way into prom to make sure they weren’t wearing thongs. Blink 182
Only two of those are on Wikipedia.
It’s not doctors that need to know. It’s the insurance companies. They wrote the policies that pay doctors based on the BMI metric. Until those policy changes happen nothing will change.
Insurance companies quietly control so much and most people don’t realize it.
I started a Facebook group called New Music Only. Nothing older than a fortnight is allowed. It allows others to share brand new music they haye found and it forced me to go to YouTube and start hunting for recently uploaded music so I can supply material for the group.
It takes just as long to cook, and has the texture of parboiled rice.
A complete lack of organization and an air conditioner that hasn’t worked in three years. It’s frequently been 87 to 89 in my house for over a month now. It kills motivation to move. But I did just go outside and remove all the 4 foot tall grass from my brick patio. So I have that going for me. Which is nice.
I need to draw monsters that do yardwork. They work outside. Elves make shoes inside. Goblins prune and edge.
I jot down notes in SimpleNote on occasion. I need to gather my supplies.
Small monsters outfitted in cast off household junk that has been repurposed is a longer term goal.
The problem isn’t ideas. It’s putting the phone down and picking up the drawing tools.
Body type. Reptile, humanoid, insect, vacuum cleaner, etc.
I keep telling myself I’m going to draw monsters. But I never do.
I’m feeling a little called out right now. I have a similarly chicken proof raised bed area. The grass grows taller than the plants and I have to get in and mow it. One day I found some 1x2 ft tiles on a curb. I have to put those down to kind of help control the grass but it’s not helping. I feel like I need to gravel the whole area because we get so much water.
And apologized.