Unfortunately, I am subletting through VRBO (kind of like AirBnB) so this is not my fight, but I am pretty upset on behalf of the building’s residents.
Unfortunately, I am subletting through VRBO (kind of like AirBnB) so this is not my fight, but I am pretty upset on behalf of the building’s residents.
Racist countries (like Britain can very much be unfortunately) also don’t give a shit what a building full of immigrants want.
I think it was some poorly-worded hyperbole. A lot of the people here are not native English speakers, so I’m guessing they were trying to poetically say “you’re killing us!”
“Fasting.” Blackburn is a city that is 30% Muslim and this building is far more than 30% Muslim based on who I’ve seen in it. They’re complaining that they’re making people, including the elderly, climb up multiple flights of stairs while they fast. And I sympathize despite being an atheist with no Muslims in my family.
“Second year in a row when fasting during HOLY MONTH that we will be climbing this mountain! This is slow poisoning!”
Blackburn is 30% Muslim and, just based on what I have seen of the people in this building, a lot more than 30% of them are Muslim. I don’t normally give a shit about religion in general, but these people feel like it’s their duty to fast and this really is something that could be done to help them. Especially since I see parents carrying prams up the stairs.
I have and am, thank you. Not just in my area. I spent the weekend contacting every recruiter in the UK I could find that would help me. It’s taken a while to do something that active because I’ve been getting settled and dealing with basic stuff, bureaucracy, etc. But I did get a couple of calls later in the day yesterday from recruiters, so that’s a positive.
That is a possibility I hadn’t considered.
That would be me. Thank you.
I probably shouldn’t be doing as lowball an offer as possible, but I’m getting pretty anxious about getting a job because time is trickling away, as is money.
That makes sense, although hard for me to process.
You would think “junior” meant entry-level, because I did at first, but I have seen a lot of jobs with that word in their title paying over £40,000 a year, so I think it might mean “junior executive” or something.
And thank you!
100% agreed.
That’s who they’ll get.
If the pay is lower than £30,000 a year, I can’t get a family visa for my wife and daughter.
Meanwhile, a recruited told me I should be asking for £50,000 a year.
And if you look at how much rents are even in the outskirts of London, I think you will find that low amount of pay is not going to let you have much of a life.
Unfortunately the form required only a number. They apparently just wanted me to guess. And I seriously lowballed. £30,000 a year for any professional job in London is crazy low.
They didn’t give a salary range. That was part of the problem. They just asked me what my salary would be. I said £30,000 a year. For a job in fucking London that requires technical experience. Meaning I would have a good 90 minute commute from anywhere I could hope to live.
And that still wasn’t low enough.
I was asking for £30,000 a year. I don’t think that’s unreasonable for a professional position.
Sorry, I thought this was c/mildlyinfuriating. I’ll try not to be mildly infuriated around here from now on.
In soup?
Are you a big fan of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves in soup? I’m sure as hell not. I do not want my soup to taste like dessert.
That’s horrible! I’m so sorry to hear that! I feel bad enough for the elderly women I see going up the stairs, but at least they can get to their flat!