any list is a hit list if you’re angry enough
any list is a hit list if you’re angry enough
congrats everyone!
we found the neighbor!
works for me
Inmate Corrections Phallcility
I literally dry heave when Asian porn is like, “mmm delicious smegma!”
So does that mean people who don’t close the lid before flushing prefer the taste of shit in their mouth?
someone got their Egyptology degree from Queen Cleopatra.
Egypt was actually pretty well mixed between lower Saharan Africans, Greeks, Turks, etc. that’s because Egypt was a trusted trade route between many successful economies around the Mediterranean sea.
my first 1tb drive was Seagate.
after a firmware update bricked it I swore off Seagate for life.
I would rather eat a pound of my own shit before I’ll use a Seagate ever again.
I’ve bought used SAS drives from ebay. was running them in a raid10 until about a month ago when I retired the server.
ran for about 5 years on them no problems.
I do agree, there are risks buying any tech used, especially for servers.
are we talking shooting up in an old abandoned factory bad, or “mom help I got my dick stuck in a fish.” bad?
I would recommend it. Speaking from personal experience, I trusted my VPN connection to remain on and self-heal. Thinking that cost me a strike against my ISP.
Now I know for a fact that if anything goes wrong with the VPN connection, all the containers that need it will need to restart before they have connectivity again and that can only happen after the VPN container restarts and passes healthcheck.
IMO this is the best OS way, but without nix it’s a pita to maintain through restores/rebuilds. personally I never fully comprehended how to properly configure iptables/routes (I did try though, so nobody can blame me lol).
however, a major benefit to using a contained VPN or gluetun is that you can be selective on what apps use the VPN.
I host 12 other containers (with nas mounts) on the same host outside of the three that need to use a VPN, so this is why the solution I described works for me. and should I ever need to use routes for more advanced network filtering I still have it available without adding the complexity of splitting normal traffic vs VPN traffic.
I’ll ask this question because it might be something you didn’t think of.
What happens to your network connection if the VPN fails? will it continue to connect without a VPN?
I had a similar case of that happening, and ended up causing me to get some shame mail from my ISP.
now I run my VPN inside docker, and any containers that need access to it are configured as network slaves to it. VPN goes down? container reboots, all the others reboot after connection is restored, but will have no connection while it’s down.
it’s all in a well designed system of healthchecks and container configuration.
terraform and AWS route 53 on a self hosted gitlab pipeline.