I got quite a few responses to this post. Have you tried any of the ones other people listed?
I got quite a few responses to this post. Have you tried any of the ones other people listed?
Were you running in VM for protection from possible viruses?
Holy forking shirtballs
Oh. No thank you. I’m trying to stay away from symmantec.
I did do this. Took me forever cause there were no directions for how to do it on windows. I figured it out eventually. I’m also kinda worried whoever created it could see my totp secret key.
You can use hardware keys with fidelity? Like yubico?
Unless you get a fidelity account. Then you need one totp app for all your other accounts and symmantec VIP proprietary shit for fidelity. Text book example of how not to implement 2fa
Noise cancelling headphones and listen to something pleasant.
1000/1000 Google Fiber $40/month (since I’m broke the government covers half). Utah, US
Podcast republic has this ability too
Silence trimming causes weird stuttering on podcast republic for me. So I leave it off as a default
Sorry for the late reply. I was in high school when this happened. I had to get my stomach scoped. While they were getting ready to put me to sleep they asked if I wanted to do laughing gas. I said sure. I had never tried it and it sounded fun. While they were doing this I thought to myself that I wanted to try to force myself to stay awake and see if I could do it. Or at least make a mental note of everything that happened to me and observe it. The laughing gas started to kick in and I started to laugh uncontrollably. One of the nurses hadn’t seen it used before and couldn’t help but laugh at my non stop laughing. I don’t remember an IV so I think the anastesia was administered with the laughing gas. Time started to get strange, everything slowed way down. A tingling sensation was spreading across my body. This tingle turned into sharp jabbing pains as if I was being stabbed by thousands of tiny needles. At the same time sounds around me started sounding echoing and distant. I was starting to panic so I decided I should let the doc know. That’s when I realized I couldn’t move. I could barely move my eyes. I also realized I was still laughing. I couldn’t speak either. I tried to scream but the only voice that actually screamed was the one iny head. I was terrified and everyone else in the operating room seemed to be happy. The pain from the tingling was getting worse and my ears were ringing so loud I couldn’t here anything. I felt like I was stuck in a black room with 2 windows to the outside world (my eyes). It felt like an eternity I was stuck like that. In reality it was probably less than 10 minutes cause the procedure hadn’t started yet. I tried to force myself to fall asleep but couldn’t. I started to wish I could just die cause that would be better than the hell I was in. Then blackness for a split second.
The next thing I knew I was in a different hospital room crying and super nauseous.
You ever wake up with no clue where you are? I wonder how our brain gets so confused just by sleeping
I’ve had it a few times. Most times have been pleasant. I saw my deceased grandparents and it made me feel happy. Sleep paralysis isn’t always scary. And one time I induced it while I was going into surgery. That was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced
Huh I wonder if this is what happened to me a few weeks ago. I “woke up” I was sitting in my bed and there was this large squirming mass in my closet. It’s hard to describe but think millions of worms. It was moving towards me. I moved to the other side of my bed and could see things moving on the floor. These worms were also coming through the (concrete) walls. I then shot awake screaming while waking up. Turned on the lights and saw nothing. It is the strangest and scariest thing I’ve ever had happen while sleeping
Protonvpn claim they have a few VPN. Honestly one of the easiest ways to torrent imo is to get a real Debrid subscription let them torrent them download the file through them without a VPN.
The most I see is that they could see your IP address. Not good if you are being stalked. Again I don’t think this is a very big deal. If you are worried turn on a VPN.
What could a hacker even do with your Lemmy info? Unless you are posting critical information about yourself I don’t see this as a huge issue. More of a concern for the mod and admin teams imo
Galaxy torrent is ok
If you ever get around to it let me know if any of them work/safe