Makes me think the article was written by AI.
Makes me think the article was written by AI.
I always find this article fascinating:
Fav: 5/5 super smart, great memory, always willing to help. Treats you with human kindness and consideration. Covers for you when you need it and makes sure to give constructive feedback.
Worst: 1/5 Talks and talks and talks endlessly without respect for other people’s time nor his own. Repeats the same thing in 5 different ways and never fails to dominate the conversation and not let anyone speak. When he does let you speak he doesn’t understand what you say unless he asks a question. Example: Me: “If you push this button it will do x.” Him: “I don’t get it, so what does this button do?” Me: “It does x.” Him: “Oh now I get it.” Me: slams hand on forehead All the above plus a long list of other similar issues. He is the team lead and even his ideas are awful, sometimes they’re good, but many times they are bad to worse.
Also not FOSS, but this might meet your needs as an extension on vscode:
I feel like Linux is good for power users or users like your grandfather who are not very tech savvy. The issues arise with users savvy enough to get themselves into trouble but not enough to understand how to fix it or how to do a slightly more advanced task.
To be fair it’s “made simple” not “made easy”
If you know all your passwords and can’t forget them, I’m assuming your using some sort of pattern to remember them in which case you have a major issue in case of data breaches as your other passwords can be guessed.
I haven’t used archivebox, but I tried setting it up. And I will say linkwarden gets a lot of points for easy setup and use. I’m sure it’s probably not as powerful as archive box but it gets the job done for basic use.
I had a lady I was helping with tech support ask me about her lightbulbs. I just told her I didn’t know the answer. She said “well you should know, it’s electronic.”
Most people just use a package manager the vast vast majority of time. People don’t typically compile from source or figure out different file types.
Oh I guess, I meant to say is it good for general purpose use alongside gaming.
Is bazzite good for general purpose use also?
What do people use pastebin for anyway? I’ve never felt the need to use it or something like it.
Where can I learn more? This is fascinating.
It makes a nice event page where you invite everyone by phone number. It then texts everyone with the details and asks for RSVPs. It then automatically follows up with everyone to get RSVPs and sends out automatic reminders to all the guests a week before and a day before etc.
Even worse in my opinion is when you find someone who had the same problem as you and the only person who replies says “use google.” It’s like that’s how I got to this page!
Why do you have Jellyfin and plex?
Can’t you setup Firefox to remember the last session and reopen the same pages upon relaunch without any user interaction?