That is the translation I’ve seen, so kudos! It’s Marth’s default taunt voice line. I got really used to hearing it back in the day, usually interrupted as my cockiness got punished.
That is the translation I’ve seen, so kudos! It’s Marth’s default taunt voice line. I got really used to hearing it back in the day, usually interrupted as my cockiness got punished.
Yoshi and Marth. In summary, I am what they call a “basic bitch.” Minna, miteite kure
Man, those guys get more relevant every year
Ugh, dammit Hitchcock put your shirt back on
Fuck you those 3-year-old wounds barely healed
Just not very interesting. Most people just don’t show much interest in me beyond work buddy status, and work is pretty much the entirety of my social life. Down-side of moving to a new area. Making friends as an adult is hard, dating doubly so when there’s no one to introduce you to new people.
But historically the hardest part for me is expressing anything that can’t be back-pedalled into “just meant as a friend, buddy.” The second you cross that line, nothing will ever be the same for better or for worse. I hate committing to that change. Just feels like I’m ruining things irreparably every time. I’ll toe that line all day, crossing is just a bitch.
Absolutely agree about BotW. I’m barely getting into it (only 800 more korok seeds to go…), and I really enjoy it as a game, but it feels more like a great game set in Hyrule than it does a Zelda game. I think they strayed a bit too far from the formula on it. I miss going into a temple, finding a bunch of stuff I can’t do anything with, getting an item, using that item to solve all the puzzles I couldn’t do anything about, then using the skills that gave me to beat the boss with that item. I miss permanent items that are given incrementally and give a feeling of progression as more of the world opens up to you as a result. BotW feels like it gave me all my items at the beginning, handed me an open world, and said, “Have fun.”
I am having fun. Just not Zelda fun.
Everyone who looked at how much money WoW was pulling in without having to churn out game after game and figured out why
Bruh the “propaganda” is Republicans opening their own mouths
Control is fantastic if you like the Remedy vibe. Not checking it out would be doing yourself a disservice, I think.
At that range, using a linear estimation is fine I assure you
I understood their logic most of the time (some iffy moments for sure), but my main issue with it was it all felt too fast. Like someone telling a great story but in such a rush to the finale that they end up glossing over details that make it so enjoyable. Decisions the characters made felt like they should have cooked several times longer than they did. I expected some arcs to last a half a season, maybe even a full one. But by the end of the episode it’s not an issue anymore and we’ve moved on.
That said, Walton Goggins is killing his role, and I see it as a solid resume addition for a lot of the others. There are scenes and lines that are meh, but also ones that show me these actors can pull off some great performances
I love Fallout and played 3, NV, and 4 avidly. It’s a good adaptation. A little campy, but it feels like something made by people who know and love the source material. And with the goofy moments come some real nasty aspects of the wasteland laid bare with no question as to how nasty it is, even in the first couple episodes.
The Vaults setup was unique enough to feel new, but fit the Vault-Tec MO nicely. 4 felt generic, but I think it was mainly included for people who didn’t play the games so they could get a general vibe.
The subtle nods are nice, with enough items and mechanics from the games peppered through to make it feel like part of the universe. Some are on the nose like Sugarbombs, but I’ve recognized generic NPC armor from the games on extras in the background.
It was also odd but fun to see game mechanics work in real time, like seeing drugs heal a grievous injury
If you want an adaptation of Fallout story it may fall short with the lighter stuff. But if you want an adaptation of a Fallout playthrough I think you’re I for a good time.
My first playthrough clocked in around 200 hours. Now, I still do almost everything but it’s faster. Only 150 hours now… About to wrap up playthrough number 5. And I’ll probably be coming back in a year for 6.
Can’t get into outer wilds though. Feel like I’m 50-60% through the game and I have no idea when or how to go where I think I need to. Took a break to play CP2077 run #4 and look where that got me
Absolutely, but even after release fans got told it was coming. I checked out of OW after the PvE debacle in OW1 so this doesn’t surprise me, but a lot of people still thought Blizz was going to hold up their end of the bargain, even if it was a little late. So they got it just to play PvP until it came out which, as we can see, it probably never will.
This isn’t just content people want and Blizz doesn’t want to give because it wouldn’t be profitable, it’s an entire half of the game that was advertised since announcement. A lot of people got the game with the assumption it was coming. It wouldn’t be “live service” if they’d included it from day one like they promised. It would only get looped into that because the “new content” should have been in there from the start. It’s Blizz reaping the benefits of an empty promise but wanting none of the blame when people call them out.
I have played HL1 and HL 2 and I still have like 5 more in my backlog. I have no idea what HL 2 Episode 1 and 2 are, Black Mesa is just HL1 HD I think, Deathmatch is multiplayer I think, Deathmatch: Source is in my library too whatever that is, Alyx exists but is only VR I think…
Idk I got into half life thinking I had 2 games to play and now I have no idea what these other games in my library are. Going to have to do a deep dive soon.
Same, I like that it makes you diagnose it too. Most games would let you hit a button and problem fixed. But here you actually have to pay attention to figure out the trigger. For the longest time I thought I was just bad at closing doors.
Not the person you replied to, but I was the same way until I realized all my favorite artists were either dying or retiring and chances to ever see them were slipping away, and quickly. I just go to whatever shows I can and just be present in the moment. Even small local shows. I’ve found a bunch of cool artists by going to shows with artists I don’t even know.
Like, imagine having the opportunity to see a Zeppelin show in their prime, then imagine thinking about going, then saying “meh.” I couldn’t even comprehend the regret I would feel passing something like that up. And it circles back to not knowing you’re in the “good old days” until they’re already past. I just don’t want to look back at missed opportunities and kick myself for the rest of my life.
Like they said, it’s not for everyone, especially not these days. Ticketmaster is a plague, most shows are ridiculously overpriced with food and drink to match, and way too many people are focused on taking a video they’ll never watch. But if things only get worse, I’m going to go down swinging and keep going to shows until doing so would financially break me.